

This map shows the position or outline of the object. Have you found an error? Then we would be happy about a message.

GOV id
  • Dornhan (deu)
  • town
  • 6120 (2004)
postal code
  • W7242 (- 1993-06-30)
  • 72175 (1993-07-01 -)
municipal id
  • 08325012
external id
Article about this place in the wiki
Geographic Position
  • 48.3495°N 8.5123°E
  • Number of the German 1:25,000 map sheet: 7617
Contact possibilities

If you want to connect with other people interested in Baden-Württemberg, we suggest to to use our Baden-Württemberg regional forum..

Superordinate objects


 political administration

Superordinate objects

Superordinate objects

name Timespan type Source
Alpirsbach, Alpirsbacher Amt (1806 - 1810) Klosteramt Oberamt
Horb (1938 - 1973) rural county
Sulz, Kreis Sulz (1810 - 1938) Oberamt
Rottweil (1973 -) rural county
Dornhan (1972-03-01 -) Stadt

Subordinate objects

name type GOV-Id Timespan
Leinstetten Pfarrdorf municipality part of town LEITENJN48GJ (1972 -)
Weiden village municipality part of town WEIDENJN48GH (1972 -)
Friedrichshof settlement FRIHOFJN48GI
Gänslensbühl settlement GANUHLJN48GI
Steinäcker settlement STEKERJN48GH
Gundelshausen hamlet part of town GUNSENJN48FI (1935)
Hopfauer Weg settlement HOPWEGJN48GI
Oberhart hamlet OBEARTJN48GH
Brandeck houses BRAECK_W7291 (1936)
Dobel hamlet DOBBELJN48GI (1936)
Grund settlement GRUUNDJN48GI
Bettenhausen village municipality part of town BETSENJN48GI (1973 -)
Busenweiler village municipality part of town BUSLERJN48FI (1974-04-01 -)
Fürnsal Pfarrdorf municipality part of town FURSALJN48GI (1972 -)
Heimbachhof Farm HEIHOFJN48GJ
Marschalkenzimmern, Kammerscheiberei-Ort Marschalkenzimmern village part of town MARERNJN48GH (1972-03-01 -)
Blumentäle settlement BLUALEJN48GI
Braunhalden building BRADEN_W7242 (1936)
Heilig Kreuz (Dornhan) church HEIHANJN48GI
Pfaffengrube settlement PFAUBEJN48GI
Buchweg settlement BUCWEGJN48GJ
Birken settlement BIRKENJN48GJ

Images in the GenWiki


	has 2004 population 6120,
	has external reference  geonames:2935702,
	has external reference  opengeodb:26700,
	has from 1993-07-01 postal code 72175,
	has municipal id 08325012,
	has name (in deu) Dornhan,
	has until 1993-06-30 postal code W7242,
	is (in deu) Stadt (Siedlung),
	is from 1806 until 1810 part of object_306617,
	is from 1810 until 1938 part of object_190763,
	is from 1938 until 1973 part of object_190762,
	is from 1972-03-01 part of object_1350265,
	is from 1973 part of adm_138325,
	located at 48.3495°N 8.51229°O;
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