Lower Bavaria, Unterdonaukreis, Niederbayern


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GOV id http://gov.genealogy.net/adm_369092
  • Lower Bavaria (eng)
  • Unterdonaukreis (deu) (1808-10-01 - 1837-12-31) Source 1808 Spalte 1485
  • Niederbayern (deu) (1838-01-01 -) Source
  • Kreis (1808-10-01 - 1837-12-31) Source 1808 Spalte 1485 Source page 6
  • administrative district (1838-01-01 - 1932-03-31) Source
  • administrative district (1948-04-01 -) Source
web page
area (km²)
external id
Article about this place in the genealogy.net wiki
Geographic Position
  • 48.5968°N 12.896°E calculated center position of the place
  • Number of the German 1:25,000 map sheet: 7443
Contact possibilities

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1932 aufgelöst und mit dem Kreis Oberpfalz zum Regierungsbezirk Niederbayern und Oberpfalz vereinigt - 1948 wieder errichtet

Superordinate objects


 political administration

Superordinate objects

Superordinate objects

name Timespan type Source
Bavaria, Baiern, Kurpfalz-Bayern, Churpfalz-Baiern, Pfalz-Baiern, Bayern (1808-10-01 - 1932-03-31) duchy kingdom free state Source
Bavaria, Bayern, Bavière, Beieren, Бавария (1948-04-01 -) federal state Source

Subordinate objects

name type GOV-Id Timespan
Vilshofen Landgericht Magistrates' Court object_286567 (1808-10-01 -)
Vilshofen district office rural county object_385228 (1948-04-01 - 1972-06-30)
Vilshofen district office rural county object_385228 (1862-07-01 - 1932-03-31)
Landau Landgericht object_378791 (1808 - 1879)
Freyung, Freyung-Grafenau rural county adm_139272 (1972-07-01 -)
Passau Hauptort PASSAUJN68RN (1808 - 1837)
Passau Landgericht object_286563 (1808-10-01 - 1838-10-08)
Passau district office rural county adm_139275 (1862-07-01 - 1932-03-31)
Passau district office rural county adm_139275 (1948-04-01 -)
Passau county-level city adm_139262 (- 1932-03-31)
Passau county-level city adm_139262 (1948-04-01 -)
Untere Isar, Dingolfing-Landau rural county adm_139279 (1972-07-01 -)
Bärnstein, Schönberg, Grafenau Landgericht Magistrates' Court object_286646 (1802 - 1879)
Landshut district office rural county adm_139274 (1948-04-01 -)
Landshut district office rural county adm_139274 (1862-07-01 - 1932-03-31)
Landshut county-level city adm_139261 (- 1932-03-31)
Landshut county-level city adm_139261 (1948-04-01 -)
Osterhofen Landgericht Magistrates' Court object_286648 (1838-10-09 -)
Landau, Landau an der Isar district office rural county object_389338 (1948-04-01 - 1972-06-30)
Landau, Landau an der Isar district office rural county object_389338 (1862-07-01 - 1932-03-31)
Griesbach, Griesbach i. Rottal Landgericht Magistrates' Court object_286562 (1808 - 1862)
Simbach Landgericht Magistrates' Court object_286566 (1817 - 1879)
Viechtach district office rural county object_395288 (1862-07-01 - 1932-03-31)
Viechtach Landgericht Magistrates' Court object_286650 (1810-11-01 -)
Viechtach district office rural county object_395288 (1948-04-01 - 1972-06-30)
Cham Landgericht Magistrates' Court object_286465 (1817 - 1837)
Burghausen Landgericht Magistrates' Court object_286580 (1817 - 1837)
Mainburg district office rural county object_395286 (1948-04-01 - 1972-06-30)
Mainburg district office rural county object_395286 (1901-10-01 - 1932-03-31)
Bogen district office rural county object_386995 (1862-07-01 - 1932-03-31)
Bogen district office rural county object_386995 (1948-04-01 - 1972-06-30)
Bogen Landgericht Magistrates' Court object_286570 (1838 - 1862-06-30)
Regen district office rural county adm_139276 (1862-07-01 - 1932-03-31)
Regen district office rural county adm_139276 (1948-04-01 -)
Regen Landgericht Magistrates' Court object_286649 (1808 - 1862)
Mitterfels Landgericht object_378804 (1810 - 1879)
Mitterfels Landgericht Magistrates' Court object_286574 (1810 - 1879)
Grafenau district office rural county object_386946 (1862-07-01 - 1932-03-31)
Grafenau district office rural county object_386946 (1948-04-01 - 1972-06-30)
Kötzting Landgericht object_378820 (1817 - 1837)
Kötzting Landgericht object_378820 (1838 - 1879)
Kötzting district office rural county object_395282 (1862-07-01 - 1932-03-31)
Kötzting district office rural county object_395282 (1948-04-01 - 1972-06-30)
Wolfstein, Freyung Landgericht Magistrates' Court object_286561 (1808-10-01 -)
Vilsbiburg Landgericht Magistrates' Court object_286657 (1838-01-01 -)
Vilsbiburg district office rural county object_381884 (1862-07-01 - 1932-03-31)
Vilsbiburg district office rural county object_381884 (1948-04-01 - 1972-06-30)
Deggendorf Landgericht Magistrates' Court object_286645 (1808 - 1879)
Deggendorf district office rural county adm_139271 (1862-07-01 - 1932-03-31)
Deggendorf district office rural county adm_139271 (1946 -)
Deggendorf Stadt county-level city Stadt county-level city Stadt object_300265 (1948-04-01 - 1972-06-30)
Deggendorf Stadt county-level city Stadt county-level city Stadt object_300265 (1879-10-01 - 1932-03-31)
Obernberg Landgericht object_378853 (1810 - 1816)
Rotthalmünster Landgericht object_385881 (1838 - 1879)
Kelheim district office rural county adm_139273 (1948-04-01 -)
Kelheim district office rural county adm_139273 (1862-07-01 - 1932-03-31)
Altötting, Oetting, Altenötting Landgericht Magistrates' Court object_286578 (1817-04-01 - 1837-12-31)
Straubing-Bogen rural county adm_139278 (1972-07-01 -)
Passau II Landgericht object_395215 (1838-10-09 - 1879)
Rottal, Rottal-Inn rural county adm_139277 (1972-07-01 -)
Schärding Landgericht object_378854 (1810 - 1816)
Passau I Landgericht object_395214 (1838-10-09 - 1879)
Straubing district office rural county object_354108 (1948-04-01 - 1972-06-30)
Straubing district office rural county object_354108 (1862-07-01 - 1932-03-31)
Straubing county-level city adm_139263 (1948-04-01 -)
Straubing county-level city adm_139263 (- 1932-03-31)
Straubing Landgericht Magistrates' Court object_286576 (1810-11-01 - 1862-06-30)
Mallersdorf district office rural county object_395283 (1862-07-01 - 1932-03-31)
Mallersdorf district office rural county object_395283 (1948-04-01 - 1972-06-30)
Dingolfing district office rural county object_386999 (1948-04-01 - 1972-06-30)
Dingolfing district office rural county object_386999 (1862-07-01 - 1932-03-31)
Schönberg Landgericht object_378863 (1808 - 1811)
Pfarrkirchen Landgericht Magistrates' Court object_286564 (1806 - 1879)
Pfarrkirchen district office rural county object_379468 (1862-07-01 - 1932-03-31)
Pfarrkirchen district office rural county object_379468 (1948-04-01 - 1972-06-30)
Rottenburg, Rottenburg an der Laaber district office rural county object_395285 (1862-07-01 - 1932-03-31)
Rottenburg, Rottenburg an der Laaber district office rural county object_395285 (1948-04-01 - 1972-06-30)
Rottenburg, Rottenburg an der Laaber Landgericht Magistrates' Court object_286656 (1838-04-21 - 1862-06-30)
Waizenkirchen Landgericht object_378856 (1810 - 1816)
Viechtenstein Landgericht object_378855 (1810 - 1816)
Griesbach, Griesbach im Rottal district office rural county object_379527 (1948-04-01 - 1972-06-30)
Griesbach, Griesbach im Rottal district office rural county object_379527 (1862-07-01 - 1932-03-31)
Wegscheid district office district office rural county object_379413 (1948-04-01 - 1972-06-30)
Wegscheid district office district office rural county object_379413 (1888-07-01 - 1932-03-31)
Wegscheid district office district office rural county object_379413 (1862-07-01 - 1879-12-31)
Wegscheid Landgericht Magistrates' Court object_286569 (1808-10-01 - 1862-06-30)
Wolfstein district office rural county object_379018 (1948-04-01 - 1972-06-30)
Wolfstein district office rural county object_379018 (1862-07-01 - 1932-03-31)
Eggenfelden Landgericht Magistrates' Court object_286652 (1810 - 1879)
Eggenfelden district office rural county object_378786 (1862-07-01 - 1932-03-31)
Eggenfelden district office rural county object_378786 (1948-04-01 - 1972-06-30)

Images in the GenWiki


	 TEXT: 1932 aufgelöst und mit dem Kreis Oberpfalz zum Regierungsbezirk Niederbayern und Oberpfalz vereinigt - 1948 wieder errichtet :TEXT,
	has 1808 area 6487.9 sagt source_378862,
	has 1808 population 215661 sagt source_378862,
	has 1817 population 362021 sagt source_378792,
	has 1880-12-01 area 10758.8 sagt source_1343683 (Tab. III S. 27),
	has 1880-12-01 population 646947 sagt source_1343683 (Tab. II S. 18),
	has 1890-12-01 area 10756.61 sagt source_1343682 (Tab. III S. 26),
	has 1890-12-01 population 664798 sagt source_1343682 (Tab. II S. 20),
	has 1900 population 678192 sagt source_1343684 (Tab. I S. 4) sagt source_394481 (p. IX),
	has 1900-12-01 area 10756.58 sagt source_1343684 (Tab. II S. 9),
	has 1903 area 10756.57 sagt source_394481 (p. IX),
	has 1910-12-01 area 10744.64 sagt source_1341051 (Tab. II S. 9),
	has 1910-12-01 population 724331 sagt source_1341051 (Tab. II S. 9),
	has 1925-06-16 population 755769 sagt source_395211 (p. 9*),
	has 1928-01-01 area 10744.65 sagt source_395211 (p. 9*),
	has 1950-09-13 population 1081052 sagt source_394864 (p. 20),
	has 1952-01-01 area 10754.41 sagt source_394864 (p. 20),
	has 1961-06-06 population 961593 sagt source_1341293 (p. 374),
	has 1963-01-01 area 10754.44 sagt source_1341293 (p. 374),
	has 1970-05-27 area 10759.69 sagt source_1343040 (A S. 2),
	has 1970-05-27 population 1012340 sagt source_1343040 (A S. 2),
	has 1987 area 10331.17 sagt source_1045014 (p. 37),
	has 1987 population 1027374 sagt source_1045014 (p. 37),
	has 1995 population 1143387 sagt source_284814,
	has 1996 population 1151960 sagt source_284814,
	has 1997 population 1158310 sagt source_284814,
	has 1998 population 1162972 sagt source_284814,
	has 1999 population 1170170 sagt source_284814,
	has 2000 population 1176206 sagt source_284814,
	has 2001 population 1185467 sagt source_284814,
	has 2002 population 1191476 sagt source_284814,
	has 2003 population 1194472 sagt source_284814,
	has 2004 population 1196178 sagt source_284814,
	has 2005 population 1196923 sagt source_284814,
	has 2009 area 10328.95 sagt source_284814,
	has 2009 population 1189194 sagt source_284814,
	has URL  http://regierung.niederbayern.bayern.de,
	has URL  https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niederbayern,
	has external reference  BLO:7,
	has from 1808-10-01 until 1837-12-31 name (in deu) Unterdonaukreis sagt source_378862 (1808 Spalte 1485),
	has from 1838-01-01 name (in deu) Niederbayern sagt source_1341348,
	has name (in eng) Lower Bavaria,
	is from 1808-10-01 until 1837-12-31 (in deu) Kreis (mittlere Verwaltungsebene) sagt source_1045014 (p. 6) sagt source_378862 (1808 Spalte 1485),
	is from 1808-10-01 until 1932-03-31 part of object_217953 sagt source_1339670,
	is from 1838-01-01 until 1932-03-31 (in deu) Regierungsbezirk sagt source_1339670,
	is from 1948-04-01 (in deu) Regierungsbezirk sagt source_1339671,
	is from 1948-04-01 part of adm_369090 sagt source_1339671;
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