Hamburg, Hansestadt Hamburg, Freie Stadt Hamburg, Freie Reichsstadt Hamburg, Freye und Hansestadt Hamburg


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GOV id
  • Hamburg (deu)
  • Hansestadt Hamburg (deu) (1241 -)
  • Freie Stadt Hamburg (deu) (1270 -)
  • Freie Reichsstadt Hamburg (deu) (1618 -)
  • Freye und Hansestadt Hamburg (deu) (1819 -)
  • Stadt (- 1510)
  • Reichsstadt (1510 - 1806)
  • Stadt (1806 -)
web page
municipal id
  • 02000000
area (km²)
external id
Article about this place in the wiki
Geographic Position
  • 53.5847°N 9.9288°E calculated center position of the place
  • Number of the German 1:25,000 map sheet: 2425
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Superordinate objects


 political administration

Superordinate objects

Superordinate objects

name Timespan type Source
German Confederation, Deutscher Bund (1815 - 1866) confederation
Hamburg (1811 - 1814) arrondissement Source page 37
German Empire, Deutsches Reich, Duitse Rijk (1871 - 1945) state
Federal Republic of Germany, Germany, Allemagne,  Duitsland, Vokietija, Niemcy, Nemecká spolková republika, Deutschland, Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Tyskland, Герма́ния (1949-04-25 -) country
Norddeutscher Bund (1867 - 1870) confederation state
Britische Besatzungszone (1945 - 1949-05-23) zone of occupation
Niedersächsischer Reichskreis (1532 - 1806) Reichskreis

Subordinate objects

name type GOV-Id Timespan
Wohldorf-Ohlstedt municipality part of town WOHEDT_W2000
Billwerder Ausschlag, Rothenburgsort part of town ROTORTJO53AM
Hamburg town HAMURGJO53AN
Hamburg Landherrenschaft object_1130080 (1926 - 1938-03-31)
Harburg district object_271033
Harburg town place part of town HARURGJO43XK (1938-04-01 - 1951)
Steinwerder part of town STEDER_W2000
Hamburgerberg, St. Pauli part of place part of town PAUULI_W2000
Geesthacht municipality Stadt object_314789 (1924-01-02 - 1937-03-31)
Geestlande Landherrenschaft object_1049955 (1830 - 1926)
Uhlenhorst part of town UHLRST_W2000
Hummelsbüttel part of town HUMTEL_W2000 (1938 -)
Hamm und Horn Landherrenschaft object_1267406 (1440 - 1830)
Hoheluft part of town HOHUFT_W2000 (1939 - 1950)
Fuhlsbüttel part of town object_1264615 (1913 - 1951)
Groß Borstel municipality part of town object_1049956 (- 1951)
Hamburgerberg Landherrenschaft object_1267405 (1440 - 1830)
Mümmelmannsberg part of town object_263310
Hamm part of town HAMAMM_W2000
Lohe place LOHOHE_W2000
Wilhelmsburg place part of town WILURGJO53AM (1938-04-01 - 1951)
Hamburg-Nord district object_263323
Wandsbek district object_257610 (1951 -)
Sinstorf part of town SINORF_W2100
Ritzebüttel Amt (administrative division) Landherrenschaft object_810382 (1372 - 1937-03-31)
Neugraben-Fischbek, Fischbek place NEUBEKJO43VL (1937-04-01 -)
Marschlande Landherrenschaft object_1049958 (1830 - 1926)
Bille- und Ochsenwärder Landherrenschaft object_1267408 (1430 - 1830)
Barmbeck, Barmbek village place part of town BARBEKJO53AN (1894 - 1951)
Neugraben-Fischbek, Neugraben place NEUBEK_W2104 (1937-04-01 -)
Langenhorn place part of town LANORN_W2000 (- 1951)
Eimsbüttel district object_271035
Ochsenzoll settlement part of town object_263322
Walddörfer Landherrenschaft object_1267407 (1440 - 1830)
Harburg-Wilhelmsburg urban county object_1166555 (1937-04-01 - 1938-03-31)
Stellingen municipality part of town object_1087550 (1937 -)
Hamburg Mitte district object_271038
Altona district object_271037
Altona urban county object_214369 (1937-04-01 -)
Bergedorf place district object_257607 (1868-01-01 -)
Bergedorf Landherrenschaft object_1049957 (1868 - 1926)
Bergedorf town part of town BERORF_W2050 (1924-01-02 - 1937-03-31)

Images in the GenWiki


	has 1880 area 409.8 sagt source_1343683 (Tab. III S. 28),
	has 1880 population 453869 sagt source_1343683 (Tab. I S. 5),
	has 1890 area 413.71 sagt source_1343682 (Tab. III S. 27),
	has 1890 population 622530 sagt source_1343682 (Tab. I S. 5),
	has 1900 area 415.3 sagt source_1343684 (Tab. II S. 9),
	has 1900 population 768349 sagt source_1343684 (Tab. I S. 4),
	has 1910 area 414.47 sagt source_1341051 (Tab. II S. 9),
	has 1910 population 1014664 sagt source_1341051 (Tab. II S. 9),
	has 1925 area 415.26 sagt source_1341056 (p. 46),
	has 1925 population 1152523 sagt source_1341056 (p. 46),
	has 1933 population 1218447 sagt source_1267338 (p. 7),
	has 1935 area 415.0 sagt source_1267338 (p. 7),
	has 1939 population 1711877 sagt source_298730 (p. 9),
	has 1941 area 746.62 sagt source_298730 (p. 9),
	has 1950-09-13 area 746.62 sagt source_385289 (p. 1),
	has 1950-09-13 households 645450 sagt source_385289 (p. 1),
	has 1950-09-13 population 1605606 sagt source_385289 (p. 1),
	has 1995 population 1707901 sagt source_284814,
	has 1996 population 1707986 sagt source_284814,
	has 1997 population 1704731 sagt source_284814,
	has 1998 population 1700089 sagt source_284814,
	has 1999 population 1704735 sagt source_284814,
	has 2000 population 1715392 sagt source_284814,
	has 2001 population 1726363 sagt source_284814,
	has 2002 population 1728806 sagt source_284814,
	has 2003 population 1734083 sagt source_284814,
	has 2004 population 1734830 sagt source_284814,
	has 2005 population 1743627 sagt source_284812 sagt source_284814,
	has URL,
	has external reference,
	has external reference  NUTS1999:DE600,
	has external reference  NUTS2003:DE600,
	has external reference  opengeodb:17838,
	has external reference  wikidata:Q1055,
	has from 1241 name (in deu) Hansestadt Hamburg,
	has from 1270 name (in deu) Freie Stadt Hamburg,
	has from 1618 name (in deu) Freie Reichsstadt Hamburg,
	has from 1819 name (in deu) Freye und Hansestadt Hamburg,
	has municipal id 02000000,
	has name (in deu) Hamburg,
	is from 1510 until 1806 (in deu) Reichsstadt,
	is from 1532 until 1806 part of object_218164,
	is from 1806 (in deu) Stadt (Gebietskörperschaft),
	is from 1811 until 1814 part of object_390629 sagt source_390427 (p. 37),
	is from 1815 until 1866 part of object_218127,
	is from 1867 until 1870 part of object_264172,
	is from 1871 until 1945 part of object_190315,
	is from 1945 until 1949-05-23 part of object_387877,
	is from 1949-04-25 part of object_149273,
	is until 1510 (in deu) Stadt (Gebietskörperschaft);
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