Saarland, Saargebiet, Saarland


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GOV id
  • Saarland (dut)
  • Saargebiet (deu) (1920 - 1935)
  • Saarland (deu) (1935 -) Source page 542
  • protectorate (1946 - 1956-12-31)
  • federal state (1957-01-01 -)
web page
area (km²)
external id
Article about this place in the wiki
Geographic Position
  • 49.4022°N 6.9931°E calculated center position of the place
  • Number of the German 1:25,000 map sheet: 6507
Contact possibilities

If you want to connect with other people interested in France, we suggest to to use our France regional forum..

If you want to connect with other people interested in Saarland, we suggest to to use our Saarland regional forum..

Superordinate objects


 political administration

Superordinate objects

Superordinate objects

name Timespan type Source
France, France, Frankreich, Frankrijk (1946 - 1956-12-31) kingdom republic realm kingdom realm kingdom republic realm republic country republic
Federal Republic of Germany, Germany, Allemagne,  Duitsland, Vokietija, Niemcy, Nemecká spolková republika, Deutschland, Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Tyskland, Герма́ния (1957-01-01 -) country Source I 54/1956
German Empire, Deutsches Reich, Duitse Rijk (1935 - 1945) state
French Zone, Western Zone, Französische Besatzungszone, Zone Française d'Occupation (ZFO), Westzone (1945 - 1946) zone of occupation
League of Nations, Völkerbund, Société des Nations, Sociedad de Naciones (1920 - 1935) confederation
German Empire, Deutsches Reich, Duitse Rijk (1871 - 1920) state

Subordinate objects

name type GOV-Id Timespan
Merzig rural county object_289942 (1920 - 1946)
Ottweiler, Neunkirchen rural county adm_140043 (1920 -)
St. Wendel, Sankt Wendel rural county adm_140046
Homburg Landkommissariat district office rural county object_279986 (1946 -)
Homburg Landkommissariat district office rural county object_279986 (1920-06 - 1945)
Stadtverband Saarbrücken, Regionalverband Saarbrücken county adm_140041 (1974-01-01 -)
Saar-Pfalz-Kreis, Saarpfalz-Kreis county adm_140045 (1974 -)
Sankt Ingbert rural county object_282508 (1902 - 1974)
Sankt Ingbert district office rural county object_280014 (1920 - 1973-12-31)
Saarbrücken urban county object_1165766 (1930)
Saarbrücken rural county object_289940 (1920 - 1973-12-31)
Dagstuhl dominion object_405465 (1947 -)
Saarlouis, Saarlautern, Saarlouis county adm_140044 (1920 -)
Kreis Merzig-Wadern (Rest), Merzig, Merzig-Wadern rural county adm_140042 (1946 -)

Images in the GenWiki


	has 1927-07-19 population 770030 sagt source_1267338 (p. 7),
	has 1935 area 1913.14 sagt source_1267338 (p. 7),
	has 1935-06-25 population 810897 sagt source_1267338 (p. 7),
	has 1939 population 842454 sagt source_298730 (p. 9),
	has 1941 area 1924.39 sagt source_298730 (p. 9),
	has 1995 population 1084370 sagt source_284814,
	has 1996 population 1084184 sagt source_284814,
	has 1997 population 1080790 sagt source_284814,
	has 1998 population 1074223 sagt source_284814,
	has 1999 population 1071501 sagt source_284814,
	has 2000 population 1068703 sagt source_284814,
	has 2001 population 1066470 sagt source_284814,
	has 2002 population 1064988 sagt source_284814,
	has 2003 population 1061376 sagt source_284814,
	has 2004 population 1056417 sagt source_284814,
	has 2005 population 1050293 sagt source_284812 sagt source_284814,
	has 2008-06-30 population 1033745 sagt source_355674 (Seite 17),
	has URL,
	has URL,
	has URL,
	has URL,
	has external reference,
	has from 1920 until 1935 name (in deu) Saargebiet,
	has from 1935 name (in deu) Saarland sagt source_149276 (p. 542),
	has name (in dut) Saarland,
	is from 1871 until 1920 part of object_190315,
	is from 1920 until 1935 part of object_320423,
	is from 1935 until 1945 part of object_190315,
	is from 1945 until 1946 part of object_810123,
	is from 1946 until 1956-12-31 (in deu) Protektorat,
	is from 1946 until 1956-12-31 part of object_190339,
	is from 1957-01-01 (in deu) Bundesland,
	is from 1957-01-01 part of object_149273 sagt source_1330113 (I 54/1956);
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