

This map shows the position or outline of the object. Have you found an error? Then we would be happy about a message.

GOV id
  • Toužim (cze)
Article about this place in the wiki
Geographic Position
  • 50.0736°N 13.0451°E calculated center position of the place
  • Number of the German 1:25,000 map sheet: 5944

Superordinate objects


 political administration

Superordinate objects

Superordinate objects

name Timespan type Source
Czech Republic, Czechia (Czech Republic), Czechia, Tschechien, Tsjechië, Česká republika, República Checa, Tschechische Republik, République tchèque republic

Subordinate objects

name type GOV-Id Timespan
Luka, Luk, Luck, Luky municipality object_1335655 (1950)
Krásné Údolí, Schönthal municipality object_1336329 (1950)
Paßnau, Passnau, Veselov municipality object_1335896 (1950)
Borek, Worka municipality object_1335921 (1950)
Böhmisch Killmes, Böhmisch Kilmes, Český Chloumek municipality object_1336314 (1950)
Theusing, Toužim, Toužím municipality object_1335923 (1950)
Rading, Radyně, Radynk municipality object_1336327 (1950)
Pauten, Poutnov municipality object_1336368 (1950)
Gängerhäuseln, Chodov, Gängerhäusel, Gängerhof municipality object_1046771 (1950)
Sobolusy, Sobolusky, Zoboles, Sovolusky, Sobolusy municipality object_1335922 (1950)
Močidlec, Modschiedl, Močidlce municipality object_1335891 (1950)
Beranov, Böhmisch Borau, Český Beranov municipality object_1336356 (1950)
Ratiworz, Ratiboř municipality object_1335904 (1950)
Rankowitz, Rankovice municipality object_1336375 (1950)
Poseč, Božice, Poschitz, Bošice municipality object_1336325 (1950)
Mokrau, Mokrá, Mokré municipality object_1335892 (1950)
Schmidles, Smilov municipality object_1335910 (1950)
Mirotice, Miroditz municipality object_1335656 (1950)
Kobyla, Kobylé, Kobilla municipality object_1335876 (1950)
Maria Stock, Mariastock, Skoky municipality object_1335889 (1950)
Dobrá Voda, Dobrawod municipality object_1336360 (1950)
Novosedly, Nebosedl municipality object_1335894 (1950)
Bohentsch, Vahaneč, Vohaneč municipality object_1335675 (1950)
Údrč, Udritsch, Oudrč municipality object_1335672 (1950)
Svinov, Schwinau, Sviňava municipality object_1335664 (1950)
Groß Lubigau, Gross Lubigau, Velký Hlavákov municipality object_1335644 (1950)
Sahrat, Sahrad, Zahrádka municipality object_1336376 (1950)
Zeberhiesch, Dřevohryzy, Zeberhisch, Zeberheisch municipality object_1336385 (1950)
Großfürwitz, Groß Fürwitz, Vrbice, Velká Vrbice municipality object_1335870 (1950)
Gabhorn, Javoří municipality object_1335686 (1950)
Klum, Chlum municipality object_1335874 (1950)
Těšetice, Teschetitz, Tescheditz municipality object_1335668 (1950)
Bochov, Buchau, Buchawa municipality object_1335639 (1950)
Herstošice, Herscheditz, Herptošice municipality object_1335872 (1950)
Pšov, Schaub municipality object_1335908 (1950)
Křepkovice, Schrikowitz, Třepkovice municipality object_1336377 (1950)
Prohoř, Prohorz, Prohor municipality object_1335899 (1950)
Luditz, Žlutice municipality object_1335888 (1950)
Klein Werscheditz, Verušičky municipality object_1335649 (1950)
Deutsch Kilmes, Deutsch Killmes, Německý Chloumek municipality object_1335641 (1950)
Dolní Jamné, Unter-Jamny, Unter Jamny municipality object_1336556 (1950)
Koßlau, Kozlov, Koslau municipality object_1335650 (1950)
Útvina, Uitwa, Outvina municipality object_1335677 (1950)
Landek, Landeck, Otročín, Ostročín municipality object_1336339 (1950)
Sattel, Sattl, Sedlo municipality object_1336328 (1950)
Prassles, Praßles, Zbraslav municipality object_1335898 (1950)
Pröles, Přílezy, Příleze municipality object_1336326 (1950)
Kladruby, Kladerlas municipality object_1336363 (1950)
Goßmaul, Kosmová, Gossmaul municipality object_1336316 (1950)
Kojšovice, Koschowitz, Goschowitz municipality object_1335924 (1950)
Tschies, Číhaná, Čihany, Číhany municipality object_1335670 (1950)
Killitz, Chylice, Chýlice municipality object_1336318 (1950)
Stadthöfen, Štoutov, Stutov, Štutov municipality object_1335915 (1950)
Stiedra, Štědrá, Štědré municipality object_1335916 (1950)
Tepl, Teplá Stadt object_360042 (1950)
Beroun, Pern, Perna municipality object_1336369 (1950)
Staré Sedlo, Altsattl municipality object_1336354 (1950)
Tissau, Tisová, Tysov municipality object_1336332 (1950)
Lažany, Laschin municipality object_1335883 (1950)
Protivec, Protiwitz, Protivice municipality object_1335900 (1950)
Třebouň, Tschebon, Třeboun municipality object_1335926 (1950)
Poliken, Polikno, Políkno municipality object_1335925 (1950)
Mies, Měchov municipality object_1046770 (1950)
Sichlau, Čichalov municipality object_1335914 (1950)
Teleč, Teltsch municipality object_1335667 (1950)
Pirten, Brť municipality object_1336324 (1950)
Witschin, Vidžín municipality object_1336383 (1950)
Týniště, Thönischen municipality object_1335669 (1950)
Besikau, Bezděkov municipality object_1336355 (1950)
Semtěš, Semtisch municipality object_1335911 (1950)

Images in the GenWiki


	has name (in cze) Toužim,
	is 1950 (in deu) Kreis says source_1285504,
	is part of object_262328;
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