Hancock County


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GOV-Kennung http://gov.genealogy.net/object_401578
  • Hancock County (deu)
  • Kreis
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Geographische Position
  • 44.3749°N 68.4783°W berechneter Mittelpunkt des Objekts

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Übergeordnete Objekte


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Übergeordnete Objekte

Übergeordnete Objekte

Name Zeitraum Typ Quelle
Maine Bundesstaat

Untergeordnete Objekte

Name Typ GOV-Kennung Zeitraum
Birch Island Insel BIRANDFN54SI
Birch Island Insel BIRANDFN54PH
Union Cemetery Friedhof UNIERYFN54QQ
Union Cemetery Friedhof UNIERYFN54UG
North Sullivan Ort NORVANFN54VM
Moose Island Insel MOOANDFN54PD
Moose Island Insel MOOANDFN54SG
Little Eaton Island Insel LITANDFN54PG
Oceanville Ort OCELLEFN54QE
Opechee Island Insel OPEANDFN54SE
Castine Ort CASINEFN54OJ
Little Black Island Insel LITANDFN54TE
Green Ledge Insel GREDGEFN54OG
Aunt Mollie Island Insel AUNANDFN54PK
Johns Island Insel JOHANDFN54TC
Johns Island Insel JOHANDFN54SE
Johns Island Insel JOHANDFN54TF
Johns Island Insel JOHANDFN54SH
Johns Island Insel JOHANDFN54RN
Carters Point Cemetery Friedhof CARERYFN54QG
Littlefield Island Insel LITANDFN54WN
Gouldsboro Ort GOUOROFN54XL
Goose Rock Insel GOOOCKFN54SJ
Reach Cemetery Friedhof REAERYFN54QG
Yellow Island Insel YELANDFN54WK
Great Spruce Head Island Insel GREANDFN54OF
Murch Cemetery Friedhof MURERYFN54TJ
East Orland Ort EASANDFN54PN
Bar Harbor Ort BARBORFN54VJ
Ellsworth Falls Ort ELLLLSFN54SN
Winslow Island Insel WINANDFN54PK
Coot Islands Insel COOND1FN54QD
Pine Island Insel PINANDFN54QL
Bar Island Insel BARANDFN54PG
Bar Island Insel BARANDFN64AJ
Bar Island Insel BARANDFN54SG
Bar Island Insel BARANDFN54VJ
Bar Island Insel BARANDFN54UI
Bar Island Insel BARANDFN54XK
Kimball Cemetery Friedhof KIMERYFN54UG
Alley Island Insel ALLANDFN54TJ
Pickering Island Insel PICANDFN54PG
Conary Island Insel CONANDFN54RF
Hancock Ort HANOCKFN54UM
Garden Islands Insel GARNDSFN54SE
Flye Cemetery Friedhof FLYERYFN54TG
Bold Island Insel BOLANDFN54QD
Clam Island Insel CLAANDFN54QD
Butterfield Island Insel BUTANDFN55WC
Greening Ledge Insel GREDGEFN54UG
Cape Rosier Ort CAPIERFN54OH
Negro Island Insel NEGANDFN54OJ
Northeast Harbor Ort NORBORFN54UH
Woodbine Cemetery Friedhof WOOERYFN54TN
Hillrest Cemetery Friedhof HILERYFN54TG
Parkhurst Island Insel PARANDFN54SP
Whig Island Insel WHIANDFN54QF
Pretty Marsh Ort PRERSHFN54TI
Indian Bar Cemetery Friedhof INDERYFN54OI
Bald Rock Insel BALOCKFN64AJ
Bald Rock Insel BALOCKFN54VK
Prospect Harbor Ort PROBORFN54XJ
Tunk Lake Ort TUNAKEFN54WN
Norumbega Ort NOREGAFN54PH
Torrey Islands Insel TORNDSFN54QG
Verona Island Insel VERANDFN54OM
Hillside Cemetery Friedhof HILERYFN54UK
Hillside Cemetery Friedhof HILERYFN54WK
Hillside Cemetery Friedhof HILERYFN54UR
Hillside Cemetery Friedhof HILERYFN54RM
Doyle Cemetery Friedhof DOYERYFN54WM
Sellers Island Insel SELANDFN54RF
Great Pond Ort GREONDFN54UW
Bragdon Cemetery Friedhof BRAERYFN54WL
Bald Porcupine Island Insel BALANDFN54VJ
Lamoine Beach Ort LAMACHFN54UK
Thrumcap Island Insel THRANDFN54OH
Mary Jane Island Insel MARANDFN54QJ
South Deer Isle Ort SOUSLEFN54QE
White Island Insel WHIANDFN54RF
Curtis Cemetery Friedhof CURERYFN54RJ
Otter Creek Ort OTTEEKFN54VH
Teakettle Island Insel TEAANDFN54QF
Calf Island Insel CALANDFN54WL
Calf Island Insel CALANDFN54RO
Perch Island Insel PERANDFN55WC
Rural Cemetery Friedhof RURERYFN54QH
Rural Cemetery Friedhof RURER1FN54QH
North Lamoine Ort NORINEFN54TM
Lower Negro Island Insel LOWANDFN54OJ
Sullivan Ort SULVANFN54VM
Scott Islands Insel SCONDSFN54PG
Gott Island Cemetery Friedhof GOTERYFN54UE
Forest Hill Cemetery Friedhof FORERYFN54QG
Forest Hill Cemetery Friedhof FORERYFN54UH
Forest Hill Cemetery Friedhof FORERYFN54TL
Corea Cemetery Friedhof CORERYFN64AJ
Eaton Cemetery Friedhof EATERYFN54OF
Hospital Island Insel HOSANDFN54OJ
East Bucksport Ort EASORTFN54PQ
Jackson Cemetery Friedhof JACERYFN54TX
Sunshine Ort SUNINEFN54RE
Indian Island Insel INDANDFN54QM
East Blue Hill Ort EASILLFN54RK
Lakewood Ort LAKOODFN54SP
Saint Helena Island Insel SAIANDFN54QD
Washington Junction Ort WASIONFN54TN
Teachers Island Insel TEAANDFN54RO
Remick Cemetery Friedhof REMERYFN54SM
Steres Island Insel STEANDFN54QO
Ned Island Insel NEDANDFN54WI
Peak Island Insel PEAANDFN54OF
Hills Island Insel HILANDFN54UM
South Brooksville Ort SOULLEFN54PI
Franklin Ort FRALINFN54VO
Peggys Island Insel PEGANDFN54PD
Cow Island Insel COWANDFN54SP
Cow Island Insel COWANDFN54RO
Minturn Ort MINURNFN54SD
Mile Island Insel MILANDFN54WO
Boy Scout Island Insel BOYANDFN54QM
Bass Harbor Head Light Station Gebäude BASIONFN54TF
Waltham Ort WALHAMFN54TR
Rolling Island Insel ROLANDFN54XI
Waukeag Ort WAUEAGFN54VM
Richtown Ort RICOWNFN54TF
Upper Negro Island Insel UPPANDFN54OJ
Bernard Cemetery Friedhof BERERYFN54TF
Sparks Island Insel SPAANDFN54PK
Ames Cemetery Friedhof AMEERYFN54QD
Long Porcupine Island Insel LONANDFN54WJ
South Gouldsboro Ort SOUOROFN54WK
Hurds Corner Ort HURNERFN54RO
Saras Island Insel SARANDFN54OI
Farrel Island Insel FARANDFN54PC
Forest Cemetery Friedhof FORERYFN54PD
Cranberry Isles Insel CRALESFN54VG
Cranberry Isles Ort CRALESFN54UF
Little Spruce Head Island Insel LITANDFN54NF
McGlathery Island Insel MCGANDFN54QC
Mahoney Island Insel MAHANDFN54RF
Freethy Cemetery Friedhof FREERYFN54RG
Forest Home Cemetery Friedhof FORERYFN54QH
Pumpkin Island Insel PUMANDFN54PH
Pumpkin Island Insel PUMANDFN54PJ
Millvale Ort MILALEFN54OP
Birch Tree Cemetery Friedhof BIRERYFN54WM
Birch Tree Cemetery Friedhof BIRER1FN54WM
Conary Nub Insel CONNUBFN54SJ
Heart Island Insel HEAANDFN54PF
Pearson Island Insel PEAANDFN54WM
Salter Cemetery Friedhof SALERYFN54VM
Bayview Cemetery Friedhof BAYERYFN54VO
Bayview Cemetery Friedhof BAYERYFN54SJ
Barred Island Insel BARANDFN54PD
Barred Island Insel BARANDFN54NG
Mount Adams Cemetery Friedhof MOUERYFN54PF
Southern Mark Island Insel SOUANDFN54RD
Norris Island Insel NORANDFN54XJ
Outer Bar Island Insel OUTANDFN64AJ
Old Soaker Insel OLDKERFN54VH
Bean Island Insel BEAANDFN54VL
Little Sheep Island Insel LITAN1FN54QE
Salisbury Cemetery Friedhof SALERYFN54UK
Sargents Island Insel SARANDFN54XJ
Mount Desert Island Insel MOUANDFN54TI
Trap Rock Insel TRAOCKFN54TK
Moore Cemetery Friedhof MOOERYFN54SK
Big Island Insel BIGANDFN54RN
Lazygut Island Insel LAZANDFN54RE
Haynes Cemetery Friedhof HAYERYFN54TJ
Gilley Burying Ground Friedhof GILUNDFN54UG
Wood Cemetery Friedhof WOOERYFN54PI
Wood Cemetery Friedhof WOOER1FN54PI
Andrew Island Insel ANDANDFN54PD
Dog Corners Ort DOGERSFN54VS
Bowden Island Insel BOWANDFN54PQ
Indian Point Ort INDINTFN54TJ
Mount Ephraim Cemetery Friedhof MOUERYFN54RH
Russ Island Insel RUSANDFN54QD
Amherst Cemetery Friedhof AMHERYFN54TU
Heron Island Insel HERANDFN54SC
Heron Island Insel HERANDFN54WI
North Castine Ort NORINEFN54OK
Fling Island Insel FLIANDFN54OF
Closson Island Insel CLOANDFN54SK
Sally Island Insel SALANDFN64AJ
Treasure Island Insel TREANDFN54WL
Rum Key Insel RUMKEYFN54VJ
Sawyers Island Insel SAWANDFN54TF
Sawyers Island Insel SAWANDFN54QF
Goodwin Siding Ort GOOINGFN54XN
South Surry Ort SOURRYFN54SJ
Winter Harbor Ort WINBORFN54XJ
Johnstons Island Insel JOHANDFN54SD
Long Island Insel LONANDFN54TC
Long Island Insel LONANDFN54RI
Flea Island Insel FLEANDFN54QD
Sams Island Insel SAMANDFN54PE
Eastern Mark Island Insel EASANDFN54RE
Page Eldridge Cemetery Friedhof PAGERYFN54PO
Alley Cemetery Friedhof ALLERYFN54TJ
Crotch Island Insel CROANDFN54PD
East Franklin Cemetery Friedhof EASERYFN54VN
Swans Island Ort SWAANDFN54SD
Swans Island Insel SWAAN1FN54SD
East Sister Island Insel EASANDFN54TD
Seal Harbor Ort SEABORFN54VH
Penny Cemetery Friedhof PENERYFN54TS
Wilson Corner Ort WILNERFN54RP
East Lamoine Ort EASINEFN54UL
Little Deer Isle Insel LITSLEFN54PG
Little Deer Isle Ort LITSL1FN54PG
West Stonington Ort WESTONFN54PD
Gerrishville Ort GERLLEFN54WJ
Little Babson Island Insel LITANDFN54RF
West Castine Ort WESINEFN54OK
Ram Island Insel RAMANDFN54QD
Ram Island Insel RAMANDFN54OI
Ram Island Insel RAMANDFN54TD
Little Island Insel LITANDFN54WO
Bucks Mills Ort BUCLLSFN54PP
Little Moose Island Insel LITANDFN54XI
Riverview Cemetery Friedhof RIVERYFN54OP
Naskeag Ort NASEAGFN54RF
Steve Island Insel STEANDFN54QD
Little Duck Island Insel LITANDFN54VE
Gray Cemetery Friedhof GRAERYFN54TJ
Gray Cemetery Friedhof GRAERYFN54QO
Cranes Corners Ort CRAERSFN54PN
Joyville Ort JOYLLEFN54SN
Aurora Cemetery Friedhof AURERYFN54UU
North Ellsworth Cemetery Friedhof NORERYFN54RO
Norwood Cemetery Friedhof NORERYFN54TG
Ingalls Island Insel INGANDFN54VL
The Porcupines Insel THENESFN54OE
The Porcupines Insel THENESFN54VJ
Trumpet Island Insel TRUANDFN54SF
West Sullivan Ort WESVANFN54VM
Schoodic Island Insel SCHANDFN54XH
Grays Hill Cemetery Friedhof GRAERYFN54PH
Deer Island Insel DEEANDFN54SP
Paine Cemetery Friedhof PAIERYFN54UJ
Penobscot Ort PENCOTFN54PL
Murch Island Insel MURANDFN54VO
Jed Island Insel JEDANDFN54SJ
Stover Corner Ort STONERFN54PJ
Stony Island Insel STOANDFN54SD
Hadley Cemetery Friedhof HADERYFN54TT
Little Pickering Island Insel LITAN1FN54PG
Henry Islands Insel HENNDSFN54OJ
Lakeview Cemetery Friedhof LAKERYFN54PI
Two Bush Island Insel TWOANDFN54QD
Two Bush Island Insel TWOANDFN54OG
Beech Hill Cemetery Friedhof BEEERYFN54SQ
Hardhead Island Insel HARANDFN54OF
Langley Cemetery Friedhof LANERYFN54TH
Little Sugar Bear Island Insel LITANDFN54XL
Little George Head Island Insel LITAN1FN54QD
Seal Cove Ort SEAOVEFN54TG
Porcupine Dry Ledge Insel PORDGEFN54VJ
Spectacle Island Insel SPEANDFN54WI
Spectacle Island Insel SPEANDFN54OH
Marshall Island Insel MARANDFN54RC
Grays Corner Ort GRANERFN54QJ
Kelly Island Insel KELANDFN54WN
Holbrook Island Insel HOLANDFN54OI
Simpson Cemetery Friedhof SIMERYFN54WM
Penobscot (historical) Wüstung PENCALFN54OJ
Rabbit Island Insel RABANDFN54PE
West Franklin Ort WESLINFN54UO
Fort George Ort FORRGEFN54OJ
Blue Hill Bay Lighthouse Gebäude BLUUSEFN54SF
Fish Island Insel FISANDFN54SP
Cranberry Island Insel CRAANDFN55WC
North Penobscot Ort NORCOTFN54QM
Seawall Ort SEAALLFN54UG
Verona Park Ort VERARKFN54ON
Jordan Cemetery Friedhof JORERYFN54SM
West Sister Island Insel WESANDFN54TD
Schoodic Ort SCHDICFN54WN
Stover Island Insel STOANDFN54XK
Stover Island Insel STOAN1FN54XK
Central Cemetery Friedhof CENERYFN54QQ
Ashville Ort ASHLLEFN54WL
Dyer Cemetery Friedhof DYEERYFN54WM
Pond Island Insel PONANDFN54SF
Pond Island Insel PONANDFN54OH
Pond Island Insel PONANDFN54XI
Sargentville Ort SARLLEFN54PH
Thompson Island Insel THOAN1FN54TK
Burying Island Insel BURANDFN54UN
Dram Island Insel DRAANDFN54VL
Grays Island Insel GRAANDFN54OJ
Fletchers Landing Ort FLEINGFN54TO
Herricks Ort HERCKSFN54PH
Lobster Island Insel LOBANDFN64AL
Big Hay Island Insel BIGANDFN54QE
Partridge Island Insel PARANDFN54OI
Partridge Island Insel PARANDFN54XN
Preble Island Insel PREANDFN54VL
Whitman Cemetery Friedhof WHIERYFN54OM
Whitman Cemetery Friedhof WHIER1FN54OM
Sprout Island Insel SPRANDFN54QD
Eastbrook Ort EASOOKFN54UQ
Sheldrake Ledge Insel SHEDGEFN54QE
Stonington Ort STOTONFN54PD
East Barge Insel EASRGEFN54SF
Morgan Bay Cemetery Friedhof MORERYFN54SK
East Surry Ort EASRRYFN54SL
Gunning Rock Insel GUNOCKFN54SC
Haskell Cemetery Friedhof HASERYFN54SK
Burnt Ledge Insel BURDGEFN54QC
Campbell Island Insel CAMANDFN54QF
Bridges Cemetery Friedhof BRIERYFN54PL
Ellsworth Ort ELLRTHFN54SN
Bucksport Ort BUCORTFN54ON
West Surry Cemetery Friedhof WESERYFN54QM
The Graveyard Friedhof THEARDFN54WJ
Ship Island Insel SHIANDFN54SF
Pretty Marsh Cemetery Friedhof PREERYFN54TI
Compass Island Insel COMANDFN54NF
The Brown Cow Insel THECOWFN54PC
Southwest Harbor Ort SOUBORFN54UG
Blue Hill Ort BLUILLFN54QJ
Kiahs Island Insel KIAANDFN54QE
Sand Beach Ort SANACHFN54RO
Horsehead Island Insel HORANDFN54NF
Hog Island Insel HOGANDFN54RF
Hog Island Insel HOGANDFN54OG
Hog Island Insel HOGANDFN54WL
Quinn Cemetery Friedhof QUIERYFN54OF
East Sullivan Ort EASVANFN54WM
Buck Island Insel BUCANDFN54OH
Blaisdell Cemetery Friedhof BLAERYFN54VM
Eggemoggin Ort EGGGINFN54PH
Mark Island Insel MARANDFN54PD
Mark Island Insel MARANDFN54WI
Goose Cove Rock Insel GOOOCKFN54TG
Bacon Island Insel BACANDFN55WC
Thomas Island Insel THOANDFN54TK
Stanley Gilley Cemetery Friedhof STAERYFN54VG
Fullerton Milliken Cemetery Friedhof FULERYFN54SM
North Ellsworth Ort NORRTHFN54RO
North Bucksport Ort NORORTFN54OP
Smuttynose Island Insel SMUANDFN54RF
Witherspoon Cemetery Friedhof WITERYFN54OF
Gordon Cemetery Friedhof GORERYFN54VM
East Franklin Ort EASLINFN54VN
Western Island Insel WESANDFN54OG
Western Island Insel WESANDFN64AJ
Jordan Island Insel JORANDFN54WJ
Hutchins Cemetery Friedhof HUTERYFN54PL
Little Camp Island Insel LITANDFN54QD
The Drums Insel THEUMSFN54UD
Brookside Cemetery Friedhof BROERYFN54TI
Beach Island Insel BEAANDFN54OG
Old Burying Ground Cemetery Friedhof OLDERYFN54SN
Hillcrest Cemetery Friedhof HILERYFN54XL
Hillcrest Cemetery Friedhof HILERYFN54VM
John Island Insel JOHANDFN54PD
Bucksport Center Ort BUCTERFN54NP
Ash Island Insel ASHANDFN54WL
Scrag Island Insel SCRANDFN54SC
Scrag Island Insel SCRANDFN54NF
Parker Cemetery Friedhof PARERYFN54QQ
Flye Island Insel FLYANDFN54RG
Islesford Ort ISLORDFN54VG
Hen Island Insel HENANDFN54SE
Hen Island Insel HENANDFN54RE
Sheephead Island Insel SHEANDFN54PE
Milliken Island Insel MILANDFN54TJ
Great Duck Island Insel GREANDFN54VD
Nicolin Cemetery Friedhof NICERYFN54RO
Channel Rock Island Insel CHAANDFN54QD
Stave Island Insel STAANDFN54PG
Stave Island Insel STAANDFN54WK
Egg Rock Insel EGGOCKFN54WI
Lucerne-in-Maine Ort LUCINEFN54QQ
Resolution Island Insel RESANDFN54NG
Granite Cemetery Friedhof GRAERYFN54QP
Richs Corner Ort RICNERFN54SL
Hall Quarry Ort HALRRYFN54UI
Blue Hill Falls Ort BLULLSFN54RJ
North Brooksville Ort NORLLEFN54PJ
York Hill Cemetery Friedhof YORERYFN54VM
Deer Isle Insel DEESLEFN54PF
Deer Isle Ort DEESL1FN54PF
Channel Rock Insel CHAOCKFN54OF
Channel Rock Insel CHAOCKFN54SF
North Brooklin Ort NORLINFN54RH
Chatto Island Insel CHAANDFN54QG
West Brooksville Ort WESLLEFN54OJ
Old Birchland Cemetery Friedhof OLDERYFN54RH
French Island Insel FREANDFN54PO
Back Ridge Cemetery Friedhof BACERYFN54PN
Bartlett Island Insel BARANDFN54SI
Little McGlathery Island Insel LITAN2FN54QD
Bradbury Island Insel BRAANDFN54OF
Town Hill Ort TOWILLFN54TJ
Gross Point Cemetery Friedhof GROERYFN54ON
Pigeon Island Insel PIGANDFN54PF
Flat Landing Ort FLAINGFN54OI
Wildwood Farm Hof WILARMFN54VH
Brimstone Island Insel BRIANDFN54SC
Valerius Black Cemetery Friedhof VALERYFN54OI
Eastern Cemetery Friedhof EASERYFN54QR
Buck Cemetery Friedhof BUCERYFN54ON
Buck Cemetery Friedhof BUCER1FN54ON
Bartlett Island Number 5 Cemetery Friedhof BARERYFN54SI
Gravel Island Insel GRAANDFN54PK
North Deer Isle Ort NORSLEFN54PG
Carleton Island Insel CARANDFN54RI
No Mans Island Insel NOMANDFN54QD
Little Bear Island Insel LITANDFN54QF
Butter Island Insel BUTANDFN54OF
Huckleberry Island Insel HUCANDFN54QF
Saddleback Island Insel SADANDFN54RD
Twenty Acre Island Insel TWEANDFN54RO
Burnt Porcupine Island Insel BURANDFN54VJ
Sutton Island Insel SUTANDFN54UG
Big Sugar Bear Island Insel BIGANDFN54XK
Sally Islands Insel SALNDSFN64AJ
Bird Rock Insel BIROCKFN54SJ
Front Ridge Cemetery Friedhof FROERYFN54PN
Leland Cemetery Friedhof LELERYFN54TK
Little Freese Island Insel LITANDFN54QE
Black Rock Insel BLAOCKFN54SC
Sunnyside Cemetery Friedhof SUNERYFN54UP
Marlboro Ort MAROROFN54UL
The Hop Insel THEHOPFN54WJ
The Hub Insel THEHUBFN54SI
The Nub Insel THENUBFN54RJ
Whittenmore Cemetery Friedhof WHIERYFN54SL
Green Island Insel GREANDFN54SC
Green Island Insel GREANDFN54QD
Green Island Insel GREANDFN54TD
Green Island Insel GREANDFN54PJ
Green Island Insel GREANDFN54TJ
Green Island Insel GREANDFN54SF
Ringtown Island Insel RINANDFN54SC
Mountain View Cemetery Friedhof MOUERYFN54UJ
Mountain View Cemetery Friedhof MOUERYFN54QK
Duck Island Insel DUCANDFN54SE
Mount Desert Rock Insel MOUOCKFN53WX
Hat Island Insel HATANDFN54RD
West Brooksville Cemetery Friedhof WESERYFN54OJ
Round Island Insel ROUANDFN54SE
Round Island Insel ROUANDFN54QC
Bare Island Insel BARANDFN54QD
Village Cemetery Friedhof VILERYFN54SL
Village Cemetery Friedhof VILERYFN54ON
Benson Cemetery Friedhof BENERYFN54TF
Atlantic Ort ATLTICFN54SE
Nicolin (historical) Wüstung NICCALFN54RO
Baldwin Corners Ort BALERSFN54TF
Sumner Cemetery Friedhof SUMERYFN54WM
Sloop Island Insel SLOANDFN54OE
Mountainville Ort MOULLEFN54QF
Spruce Island Insel SPRAN1FN54QD
Dog Island Insel DOGANDFN54SD
Dog Island Insel DOGANDFN54OH
Brooklin Ort BROLINFN54RG
High Tide Island Insel HIGANDFN54OJ
Green Nubble Insel GREBLEFN54VG
Little Cranberry Island Insel LITANDFN54VG
Snake Island Insel SNAANDFN54RN
Asa Island Insel ASAANDFN54SE
Summer Harbor Ort SUMBORFN54WJ
Winkumpaugh Corners Ort WINERSFN54QP
Dollar Island Insel DOLANDFN55WB
West Penobscot Ort WESCOTFN54OL
Current Island Insel CURANDFN54QE
Nautilus Island Insel NAUANDFN54OI
Dry Island Insel DRYANDFN64AJ
Tremont Ort TREONTFN54TG
Trenton Ort TRETONFN54TK
Howards Hill Cemetery Friedhof HOWERYFN54PG
North Sedgwick Ort NORICKFN54QI
Pickerel Island Insel PICANDFN54RO
Flat Island Insel FLAANDFN54WJ
Flat Island Insel FLAANDFN54PF
Devil Island Insel DEVANDFN54QD
Anderson Cemetery Friedhof ANDERYFN54SL
Jims Island Insel JIMANDFN54RF
East Lamoine Cemetery Friedhof EASERYFN54UL
Harborside Ort HARIDEFN54OI
Steep Landing Ort STEINGFN54VS
Soward Island Insel SOWANDFN54WL
The Sugarloaf Insel THEOAFFN54OF
Little Crow Island Insel LITANDFN54PF
Loon Island Insel LOOANDFN54WN
Loon Island Insel LOOANDFN54PN
South Hancock Ort SOUOCKFN54UM
Wreck Island Insel WREANDFN54QD
Amherst Ort AMHRSTFN54TU
Mount Rest Cemetery Friedhof MOUERYFN54PJ
Savage Graves Friedhof SAVVESFN54UG
Youngs Islands Insel YOUNDSFN54PK
South Penobscot Cemetery Friedhof SOUERYFN54PK
Rumell Island Insel RUMANDFN54TG
Great Island Insel GREANDFN54OJ
Babson Island Insel BABANDFN54RF
Westcott Cemetery Friedhof WESERYFN54PK
Robbins Cemetery Friedhof ROBERYFN54TG
Hardwood Island Insel HARANDFN54SH
Black Corner Ort BLANERFN54PI
Bald Island Insel BALANDFN54OE
Sand Beach Ledge Insel SANDGEFN54SD
Louse Island Insel LOUANDFN54RF
Bay Cemetery Friedhof BAYERYFN54PL
Shingle Island Insel SHIANDFN54RD
Big Moose Island Insel BIGANDFN54XI
Stinson Neck Insel STIECKFN54QE
Hall Cemetery Friedhof HALERYFN54WL
Lurvey Cemetery Friedhof LURERYFN54UH
Birch Grove Cemetery Friedhof BIRERYFN54RN
Burns Richardson Burial Ground Friedhof BURUNDFN54TJ
Dees Island Insel DEEANDFN54QO
Ledge Island Insel LEDANDFN54QL
Line Island Insel LINANDFN54QL
West Ellsworth Ort WESRTHFN54RN
Perry Cemetery Friedhof PERERYFN54PK
Frenchboro Ort FREOROFN54TC
Placentia Island Insel PLAANDFN54TE
Asticou Ort ASTCOUFN54UH
Upper Torrey Island Insel UPPANDFN54QG
Battle Island Insel BATANDFN54PK
Great Cranberry Island Insel GREANDFN54UF
Frost Cemetery Friedhof FROERYFN54TS
Camp Stream Cemetery Friedhof CAMERYFN54PJ
Eaton Island Insel EATANDFN54PG
Camp Island Insel CAMANDFN54QD
Leach Cemetery Friedhof LEAERYFN54PL
Mink Island Insel MINANDFN54RJ
Mouse Island Insel MOUANDFN54XN
Mouse Island Insel MOUANDFN54WO
Marks Corner Ort MARNERFN54QL
Lamoine Corner Ort LAMNERFN54TL
Riverside Cemetery Friedhof RIVERYFN54UM
North Orland Ort NORANDFN54QP
George Head Island Insel GEOANDFN54QD
Sedgwick Ort SEDICKFN54QH
Black Island Insel BLAANDFN54TE
Black Island Insel BLAANDFN54SE
Black Island Insel BLAANDFN54TJ
Black Island Insel BLAANDFN54SP
Coombs Islands Insel COONDSFN54QD
Sister Islands Insel SISNDSFN54TD
Joes Island Insel JOEANDFN54RG
Hancock Point Ort HANINTFN54VL
Dow Pines Ort DOWNESFN54UW
Sand Island Insel SANANDFN54PD
Sand Island Insel SANANDFN54SG
Sand Island Insel SANANDFN55WC
Sand Island Insel SANANDFN54RJ
South Orland Ort SOUANDFN54OM
Potato Island Insel POTANDFN54QD
Potato Island Insel POTAN1FN54QD
Potato Island Insel POTANDFN54RE
Mount Height Cemetery Friedhof MOUERYFN54UG
The Fort Insel THEORTFN54PD
The Hubs Insel THEUBSFN54SD
Three Bush Island Insel THRANDFN54RC
Franklin Road Ort FRAOADFN54UM
The Chain Links Insel THENKSFN54OF
Stanley Hadlock Cemetery Friedhof STAER1FN54VG
Goose Falls Ort GOOLLSFN54OI
Second Island Insel SECANDFN54PD
Oak Grove Cemetery Friedhof OAKERYFN54PN
Sheep Porcupine Island Insel SHEANDFN54VJ
Little Barred Island Insel LITANDFN54OF
Murphy Hill Cemetery Friedhof MURERYFN54TG
Mariaville Ort MARLLEFN54TR
Grog Island Insel GROANDFN54QD
The Thrumcap Insel THECAPFN54VI
Crimmins Island Insel CRIANDFN54VQ
Wonderland Ort WONANDFN54UF
South Surry Cemetery Friedhof SOUERYFN54SK
West Brooklin Ort WESLINFN54QH
Grindstone Ledge Insel GRIDGEFN54WI
Bayside Ort BAYIDEFN54SL
Little Calf Island Insel LITANDFN54WK
Little Gott Island Insel LITAN1FN54TE
Porcupina Island Insel PORANDFN54ON
Ironbound Island Insel IROANDFN54WJ
Pine Grove Cemetery Friedhof PINERYFN54QI
Sheldrake Island Insel SHEANDFN54WL
West Deer Isle Ort WESSLEFN54PE
The Twinnies Insel THEIESFN54TK
Goose Island Insel GOOANDFN54RG
Bear Island Insel BEAANDFN54QF
Bear Island Insel BEAANDFN54OF
Bear Island Insel BEAANDFN54UG
Early Settlers Cemetery Friedhof EARERYFN54QJ
Jehlickoo Island Insel JEHANDFN54WM
Carney Island Insel CARANDFN54PG
Bass Harbor Ort BASBORFN54TF
McFarland Hill Cemetery Friedhof MCFERYFN54TM
Bernard Ort BERARDFN54TF
Williams Cemetery Friedhof WILERYFN54UP
Evergreen Cemetery Friedhof EVEERYFN54OH
Evergreen Cemetery Friedhof EVEERYFN54OP
Evergreen Cemetery Friedhof EVEERYFN54PN
Humpkins Island Insel HUMANDFN54QD
Meeting House Cemetery Friedhof MEEERYFN54VJ
Gander Island Insel GANANDFN54RG
Seaside Cemetery Friedhof SEAERYFN54RJ
Higgins Cemetery Friedhof HIGERYFN54TJ
Buckle Island Insel BUCANDFN54QD
Buckle Island Insel BUCANDFN54SE
Crimmins Cemetery Friedhof CRIERYFN54VQ
Whitmore Neck Insel WHIECKFN54QE
Pomroy Cemetery Friedhof POMERYFN54TG
Thrumcap Insel THRCAPFN54VG
Thrumcap Insel THRCAPFN54WK
Torrey Castle Insel TORTLEFN54QG
Parks Island Insel PARANDFN54SD
Rum Island Insel RUMANDFN54TI
North Mariaville Ort NORLLEFN54TS
Goose Cove Cemetery Friedhof GOOERYFN54TK
Shabby Island Insel SHAANDFN54RD
Green Lake Ort GREAKEFN54RQ
Bar Ledge Insel BARDGEFN54VJ
Scott Island Insel SCOANDFN54QD
West Barge Insel WESRGEFN54SF
Tinker Island Insel TINANDFN54SG
Squid Island Insel SQUANDFN54TI
West Surry Ort WESRRYFN54QM
Somesville Ort SOMLLEFN54TI
Hulls Cove Ort HULOVEFN54UK
Juniper Cemetery Friedhof JUNERYFN54SO
Baker Island Insel BAKANDFN54SC
Baker Island Insel BAKANDFN54VF
Pyles Cemetery Friedhof PYLERYFN54SR
Dayton Island Insel DAYANDFN55WC
Grass Island Insel GRAANDFN55UE
South Penobscot Ort SOUCOTFN54PK
Big Barred Island Insel BIGANDFN54OF
Cunningham Ridge Cemetery Friedhof CUNERYFN54QL
Cunningham Ridge Cemetery Friedhof CUNERYFN54QM
Fiddle Head Insel FIDEADFN54OG
Sorrento Ort SORNTOFN54VL
Brooksville Ort BROLLEFN54PI
Salsbury Cove Ort SALOVEFN54UK
West Tremont Ort WESONTFN54TG
West Trenton Ort WESTONFN54TK
Dorr Thompson Cemetery Friedhof DORERYFN54QN
Junk of Pork Island Insel JUNANDFN54WL
Buckskin Island Insel BUCANDFN54VN
West Gouldsboro Ort WESOROFN54WL
Abbott Cemetery Friedhof ABBERYFN54UO
Long Island Cemetery Friedhof LONERYFN54RH
Gooseberry Island Insel GOOANDFN54QC
Gooseberry Island Insel GOOANDFN54SD
Sheep Island Insel SHEANDFN54QE
Sheep Island Insel SHEANDFN54OI
Sheep Island Insel SHEANDFN54UI
Sheep Island Insel SHEANDFN64AJ
Sheep Island Insel SHEANDFN54PG
Sheep Island Insel SHEANDFN54RE
Sheep Island Insel SHEANDFN54SF
Lower Torrey Island Insel LOWANDFN54RF
Great Pond Cemetery Friedhof GREERYFN54UW
Turtle Island Insel TURANDFN54WI
Darling Island Insel DARANDFN54RJ
Johns Island Dry Ledge Insel JOHDGEFN54TC
Enchanted Island Insel ENCANDFN54RD
Eagle Island Insel EAGANDFN54SF
Eagle Island Insel EAGANDFN54OF
Greening Island Insel GREANDFN54UG
Huney Point Insel HUNINTFN54QM
Drum Island Insel DRUANDFN54UD
Crow Island Insel CROANDFN54TD
Crow Island Insel CROANDFN54RE
Crow Island Insel CROANDFN54PF
Crow Island Insel CROANDFN54WJ
Crow Island Insel CROANDFN54VF
Crow Island Insel CROANDFN54SE
Five Mile Corners Ort FIVERSFN54PN
Colt Head Island Insel COLANDFN54NG
Millet Island Insel MILANDFN54QD
Phoebe Island Insel PHOANDFN54RD
Lamp Island Insel LAMANDFN54SF
Greenwood Cemetery Friedhof GREERYFN54SP
Greenwood Cemetery Friedhof GREERYFN54QE
Hodgdon Cemetery Friedhof HODERYFN54TH
Center Cemetery Friedhof CENERYFN54TH
Orono Island Insel OROANDFN54SE
Castine Cemetery Friedhof CASERYFN54OJ
Scraggy Island Insel SCRANDFN54PD
Red Rock Corner Ort REDNERFN54TJ
Freese Island Insel FREANDFN54QE
Mill Island Insel MILANDFN54PE
Silver Lake Cemetery Friedhof SILERYFN54OO
Archers Corners Ort ARCERSFN54ST
Great Gott Island Insel GREANDFN54UE
Polypod Island Insel POLANDFN54QE
Harbor Island Insel HARANDFN54RF
Harbor Island Insel HARANDFN54PI
Harbor Island Insel HARANDFN54TD
Harbor Island Insel HARANDFN54SD
Birch Harbor Ort BIRBORFN54XJ
Barred Islands Insel BARNDSFN54OF
South Blue Hill Ort SOUILLFN54RI
Rock Island Insel ROCANDFN54QO
Rock Island Insel ROCANDFN54QD
Folly Island Insel FOLANDFN54SH

Bilder im GenWiki


	gehört zu object_276670,
	heißt  (auf deu) Hancock County,
	ist (auf deu) Kreis;