Orte die ca. 5 km von Oak Grove Cemetery (OAKERYEM91BW) entfernt sind

Name Typ GOV-Kennung
Glennville Ort GLELLEEM91AW
Alton (historical) Wüstung ALTCALEM91BV
Birdford (historical) Wüstung BIRCALEM91BX
Zion Travel Cemetery Friedhof ZIOERYEM91BW
Kent (historical) Wüstung KENCALEM91BW
Oak Grove Cemetery Friedhof OAKERYEM91BW
Smith Chapel Cemetery Friedhof SMIERYEM91BW
Gaps of the Bays Cemetery Friedhof GAPERYEM91BW
Poplar Head Cemetery Friedhof POPERYEM91CV
Smiley (historical) Wüstung SMICALEM91CV
Lida (historical) Wüstung LIDCALEM91CX
Bethel Cemetery Friedhof BETERYEM91CX