Orte die ca. 5 km von Ranger Island (RANANDFN33EN) entfernt sind

Name Typ GOV-Kennung
Bolton Rural Cemetery Friedhof BOLERYFN33DM
Federal Hill Cemetery Friedhof FEDERYFN33EN
Sweetbriar Island Insel SWEANDFN33EN
Hiawatha Island Insel HIAANDFN33EM
Bolton Landing Ort BOLINGFN33EN
North Bolton Ort NORTONFN33EO
Three Brothers Islands Insel THRNDSFN33EM
Clay Island Insel CLAANDFN33EN
Recluse Island Insel RECANDFN33EN
Green Island Insel GREANDFN33EN
Crown Island Insel CROANDFN33EN
Dome Island Insel DOMANDFN33EM
Oahu Island Insel OAHANDFN33EN
Pine Island Insel PINANDFN33EN
Phelps Island Insel PHEANDFN33EM
Huckleberry Island Insel HUCANDFN33EN
Hen and Chickens Islands Insel HENNDSFN33EN
Fourteenmile Island Insel FOUANDFN33EN
Refuge Island Insel REFANDFN33EN
Perch Island Insel PERANDFN33EN
Turtle Island Insel TURANDFN33EN
Log Bay Island Insel LOGANDFN33EN
Mohican Island Insel MOHANDFN33EN
Ranger Island Insel RANANDFN33EN
Juanita Island Insel JUAANDFN33EN
Bass Island Insel BASANDFN33EN
Uncas Island Insel UNCANDFN33EN
Glen Island Insel GLEANDFN33EN
Phantom Island Insel PHAANDFN33EN
Big Burnt Island Insel BIGANDFN33EN
Watch Island Insel WATANDFN33EN
Little Harbor Island Insel LITANDFN33EN
Fork Island Insel FORANDFN33EN
East and West Dollar Islands Insel EASNDSFN33FO
Hazel Island Insel HAZANDFN33FO
Halfway Island Insel HALANDFN33FO
Three Sirens Island Insel THRANDFN33FO
Floating Battery Island Insel FLOANDFN33FO