Orte die ca. 5 km von Wesley Chapel Cemetery (WESERYEN80UM) entfernt sind

Name Typ GOV-Kennung
Ireland Valley Farm Hof IREARMEN80TM
Bullock Farms Hof BULRMSEN80TL
College Hill Ort COLILLEN80TN
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery Friedhof ZIOERYEN80UM
North Bend Church of the Brethren Cemetery Friedhof NORERYEN80UM
Jelloway Ort JELWAYEN80UM
Spring Valley Farm (historical) Hof SPRCALEN80UM
Jelloway Methodist Episcopal Cemetery Friedhof JELERYEN80UM
Bratton Hog Farm Hof BRAARMEN80UL
Shadley Valley Cemetery Friedhof SHAERYEN80UM
Banbury Cemetery Friedhof BANERYEN80UL
Wesley Chapel Cemetery Friedhof WESERYEN80UM
Elm Farm (historical) Hof ELMCALEN80VL
Harding Cemetery Friedhof HARERYEN80VM
Brinkhaven Cemetery Friedhof BRIERYEN80VL
Brinkhaven Ort BRIVENEN80VL