

This map shows the position or outline of the object. Have you found an error? Then we would be happy about a message.

GOV id http://gov.genealogy.net/object_169365
  • ev
Article about this place in the genealogy.net wiki
Geographic Position
  • 55.6172°N 21.2293°E calculated center position of the place
  • Number of the German 1:25,000 map sheet: 0393

Superordinate objects


 political administration

Superordinate objects

Superordinate objects

name Timespan type Source
Memel Kirchenkreis

Subordinate objects

name type GOV-Id Timespan
Grudscheiken, Grudszeiken, Grudžeikiai, Grudßeiken manor settlement GRUKENKO05PO (1907)
Dumpen, Dumpiške manor settlement GUTIRKKO05PP (1907)
Oberförsterei Klooschen, Milkurpiai, vyr. gir. settlement KLOHENKO05PM (1907)
Gibbischen-Martin, Gibišai settlement GIBTINKO05OP (1907)
Schäferei, Lūžija settlement SCHREIKO05ON (1907)
Starrischken, Stariškė settlement STAKENKO05OO (1907)
Kairinn, Kairiai settlement KAIINNKO05OO (1907)
Mitzken, Mickai manor settlement GUTKENKO05PO (1907)
Schompetern, Šunpetriai settlement SCHERNKO05OP (1907)
Schillgallen, Šilgaliai settlement SCHLENKO05OO (1907)
Dumpen, Dumpiai settlement DUMPENKO05PP (1907)
Kindschen-Bartel, Kinčiai settlement BARTELKO05OO (1907)
Klooschen-Bartel, Klošiai settlement BARTE2KO05OO (1907)
Kairinn church object_169366
Leisten, Laistai settlement LEITENKO05OP (1907)
Waaschken, Vaškiai settlement WAAKENKO05OO (1907)
Kasparischken, Casparischken, Kaspariškiai settlement KASKENKO05OP (1907)
Spengen, Spengiai settlement SPEGENKO05PO (1907)
Szarde, Žardė settlement SZARDEKO05OP (1907)

Images in the GenWiki


	has 1912 population 1650 says source_214219 (1.650 Seelen),
	has denomination ev,
	has name (in deu) Kairinn says source_214219 (A-XIII.-3 S. 25),
	is from 1904 (in deu) Kirchspiel says source_214219 (ab 1904),
	is part of object_169325;
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