Hancock County
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GOV-Kennung | http://gov.genealogy.net/object_401578 |
Name |
Typ |
Artikel zu diesem Objekt im GenWiki | |
Geographische Position |
Kontaktmöglichkeiten |
Übergeordnete Objekte
politische Verwaltung | |
kirchliche Verwaltung | |
gerichtliche Verwaltung | |
Wohnplatz | |
geographische Typen | |
Verkehrswesen |
Übergeordnete Objekte
- Maine (Bundesstaat)
Übergeordnete Objekte
Name | Zeitraum | Typ | Quelle |
Maine | Bundesstaat |
Untergeordnete Objekte
Name | Typ | GOV-Kennung | Zeitraum |
Abbott Cemetery | Friedhof | ABBERYFN54UO | |
Alley Cemetery | Friedhof | ALLERYFN54TJ | |
Alley Island | Insel | ALLANDFN54TJ | |
Amherst | Ort | AMHRSTFN54TU | |
Amherst Cemetery | Friedhof | AMHERYFN54TU | |
Andrew Island | Insel | ANDANDFN54PD | |
Archers Corners | Ort | ARCERSFN54ST | |
Asa Island | Insel | ASAANDFN54SE | |
Ash Island | Insel | ASHANDFN54WL | |
Ashville | Ort | ASHLLEFN54WL | |
Asticou | Ort | ASTCOUFN54UH | |
Atlantic | Ort | ATLTICFN54SE | |
Aurora | Ort | AURORAFN54UU | |
Aurora Cemetery | Friedhof | AURERYFN54UU | |
Aunt Mollie Island | Insel | AUNANDFN54PK | |
Babson Island | Insel | BABANDFN54RF | |
Back Ridge Cemetery | Friedhof | BACERYFN54PN | |
Bacon Island | Insel | BACANDFN55WC | |
Baker Island | Insel | BAKANDFN54SC | |
Baker Island | Insel | BAKANDFN54VF | |
Bald Island | Insel | BALANDFN54OE | |
Bald Porcupine Island | Insel | BALANDFN54VJ | |
Bald Rock | Insel | BALOCKFN64AJ | |
Bald Rock | Insel | BALOCKFN54VK | |
Baldwin Corners | Ort | BALERSFN54TF | |
Bar Harbor | Ort | BARBORFN54VJ | |
Bar Island | Insel | BARANDFN54PG | |
Bar Island | Insel | BARANDFN64AJ | |
Bar Island | Insel | BARANDFN54SG | |
Bar Island | Insel | BARANDFN54VJ | |
Bar Island | Insel | BARANDFN54UI | |
Bar Island | Insel | BARANDFN54XK | |
Bar Ledge | Insel | BARDGEFN54VJ | |
Bare Island | Insel | BARANDFN54QD | |
Barred Island | Insel | BARANDFN54PD | |
Barred Island | Insel | BARANDFN54NG | |
Barred Islands | Insel | BARNDSFN54OF | |
Bartlett Island | Insel | BARANDFN54SI | |
Bass Harbor | Ort | BASBORFN54TF | |
Bass Harbor Head Light Station | Gebäude | BASIONFN54TF | |
Battle Island | Insel | BATANDFN54PK | |
Bay Cemetery | Friedhof | BAYERYFN54PL | |
Bayside | Ort | BAYIDEFN54SL | |
Bayview Cemetery | Friedhof | BAYERYFN54VO | |
Bayview Cemetery | Friedhof | BAYERYFN54SJ | |
Beach Island | Insel | BEAANDFN54OG | |
Bean Island | Insel | BEAANDFN54VL | |
Bear Island | Insel | BEAANDFN54QF | |
Bear Island | Insel | BEAANDFN54OF | |
Bear Island | Insel | BEAANDFN54UG | |
Beech Hill Cemetery | Friedhof | BEEERYFN54SQ | |
Bernard Cemetery | Friedhof | BERERYFN54TF | |
Bernard | Ort | BERARDFN54TF | |
Big Barred Island | Insel | BIGANDFN54OF | |
Big Hay Island | Insel | BIGANDFN54QE | |
Big Island | Insel | BIGANDFN54RN | |
Big Moose Island | Insel | BIGANDFN54XI | |
Big Sugar Bear Island | Insel | BIGANDFN54XK | |
Birch Grove Cemetery | Friedhof | BIRERYFN54RN | |
Birch Harbor | Ort | BIRBORFN54XJ | |
Birch Island | Insel | BIRANDFN54SI | |
Birch Island | Insel | BIRANDFN54PH | |
Birch Tree Cemetery | Friedhof | BIRERYFN54WM | |
Birch Tree Cemetery | Friedhof | BIRER1FN54WM | |
Bird Rock | Insel | BIROCKFN54SJ | |
Black Corner | Ort | BLANERFN54PI | |
Black Island | Insel | BLAANDFN54TE | |
Black Island | Insel | BLAANDFN54SE | |
Black Island | Insel | BLAANDFN54TJ | |
Black Island | Insel | BLAANDFN54SP | |
Black Rock | Insel | BLAOCKFN54SC | |
Blaisdell Cemetery | Friedhof | BLAERYFN54VM | |
Blue Hill | Ort | BLUILLFN54QJ | |
Blue Hill Bay Lighthouse | Gebäude | BLUUSEFN54SF | |
Blue Hill Falls | Ort | BLULLSFN54RJ | |
Bold Island | Insel | BOLANDFN54QD | |
Bowden Island | Insel | BOWANDFN54PQ | |
Boy Scout Island | Insel | BOYANDFN54QM | |
Bradbury Island | Insel | BRAANDFN54OF | |
Bragdon Cemetery | Friedhof | BRAERYFN54WL | |
Bridges Cemetery | Friedhof | BRIERYFN54PL | |
Brimstone Island | Insel | BRIANDFN54SC | |
Brooklin | Ort | BROLINFN54RG | |
Brookside Cemetery | Friedhof | BROERYFN54TI | |
Brooksville | Ort | BROLLEFN54PI | |
The Brown Cow | Insel | THECOWFN54PC | |
Buck Cemetery | Friedhof | BUCERYFN54ON | |
Buck Island | Insel | BUCANDFN54OH | |
Buck Cemetery | Friedhof | BUCER1FN54ON | |
Buckle Island | Insel | BUCANDFN54QD | |
Buckle Island | Insel | BUCANDFN54SE | |
Bucks Mills | Ort | BUCLLSFN54PP | |
Buckskin Island | Insel | BUCANDFN54VN | |
Bucksport | Ort | BUCORTFN54ON | |
Bucksport Center | Ort | BUCTERFN54NP | |
Burnt Ledge | Insel | BURDGEFN54QC | |
Burnt Porcupine Island | Insel | BURANDFN54VJ | |
Burying Island | Insel | BURANDFN54UN | |
Butter Island | Insel | BUTANDFN54OF | |
Butterfield Island | Insel | BUTANDFN55WC | |
Calf Island | Insel | CALANDFN54WL | |
Calf Island | Insel | CALANDFN54RO | |
Camp Island | Insel | CAMANDFN54QD | |
Camp Stream Cemetery | Friedhof | CAMERYFN54PJ | |
Campbell Island | Insel | CAMANDFN54QF | |
Cape Rosier | Ort | CAPIERFN54OH | |
Carleton Island | Insel | CARANDFN54RI | |
Carney Island | Insel | CARANDFN54PG | |
Carters Point Cemetery | Friedhof | CARERYFN54QG | |
Castine | Ort | CASINEFN54OJ | |
Castine Cemetery | Friedhof | CASERYFN54OJ | |
Center Cemetery | Friedhof | CENERYFN54TH | |
Central Cemetery | Friedhof | CENERYFN54QQ | |
The Chain Links | Insel | THENKSFN54OF | |
Channel Rock | Insel | CHAOCKFN54OF | |
Channel Rock | Insel | CHAOCKFN54SF | |
Channel Rock Island | Insel | CHAANDFN54QD | |
Chatto Island | Insel | CHAANDFN54QG | |
Clam Island | Insel | CLAANDFN54QD | |
Closson Island | Insel | CLOANDFN54SK | |
Colt Head Island | Insel | COLANDFN54NG | |
Compass Island | Insel | COMANDFN54NF | |
Conary Island | Insel | CONANDFN54RF | |
Conary Nub | Insel | CONNUBFN54SJ | |
Wood Cemetery | Friedhof | WOOERYFN54PI | |
Coombs Islands | Insel | COONDSFN54QD | |
Coot Islands | Insel | COOND1FN54QD | |
Corea | Ort | CORREAFN64AJ | |
Corea Cemetery | Friedhof | CORERYFN64AJ | |
Cow Island | Insel | COWANDFN54SP | |
Cow Island | Insel | COWANDFN54RO | |
Cranberry Island | Insel | CRAANDFN55WC | |
Cranberry Isles | Insel | CRALESFN54VG | |
Cranberry Isles | Ort | CRALESFN54UF | |
Cranes Corners | Ort | CRAERSFN54PN | |
Crimmins Cemetery | Friedhof | CRIERYFN54VQ | |
Crimmins Island | Insel | CRIANDFN54VQ | |
Crotch Island | Insel | CROANDFN54PD | |
Crow Island | Insel | CROANDFN54TD | |
Crow Island | Insel | CROANDFN54RE | |
Crow Island | Insel | CROANDFN54PF | |
Crow Island | Insel | CROANDFN54WJ | |
Crow Island | Insel | CROANDFN54VF | |
Crow Island | Insel | CROANDFN54SE | |
Cunningham Ridge Cemetery | Friedhof | CUNERYFN54QL | |
Current Island | Insel | CURANDFN54QE | |
Curtis Cemetery | Friedhof | CURERYFN54RJ | |
Darling Island | Insel | DARANDFN54RJ | |
Dayton Island | Insel | DAYANDFN55WC | |
Dedham | Ort | DEDHAMFN54QQ | |
Deer Island | Insel | DEEANDFN54SP | |
Deer Isle | Insel | DEESLEFN54PF | |
Deer Isle | Ort | DEESL1FN54PF | |
Dees Island | Insel | DEEANDFN54QO | |
Devil Island | Insel | DEVANDFN54QD | |
Dog Corners | Ort | DOGERSFN54VS | |
Dog Island | Insel | DOGANDFN54SD | |
Dog Island | Insel | DOGANDFN54OH | |
Dollar Island | Insel | DOLANDFN55WB | |
Dow Pines | Ort | DOWNESFN54UW | |
Doyle Cemetery | Friedhof | DOYERYFN54WM | |
Dram Island | Insel | DRAANDFN54VL | |
Drum Island | Insel | DRUANDFN54UD | |
The Drums | Insel | THEUMSFN54UD | |
Dry Island | Insel | DRYANDFN64AJ | |
Duck Island | Insel | DUCANDFN54SE | |
Dyer Cemetery | Friedhof | DYEERYFN54WM | |
Eagle Island | Insel | EAGANDFN54SF | |
Eagle Island | Insel | EAGANDFN54OF | |
Early Settlers Cemetery | Friedhof | EARERYFN54QJ | |
East Barge | Insel | EASRGEFN54SF | |
East Blue Hill | Ort | EASILLFN54RK | |
East Bucksport | Ort | EASORTFN54PQ | |
East Franklin Cemetery | Friedhof | EASERYFN54VN | |
East Franklin | Ort | EASLINFN54VN | |
East Lamoine | Ort | EASINEFN54UL | |
East Lamoine Cemetery | Friedhof | EASERYFN54UL | |
East Orland | Ort | EASANDFN54PN | |
East Sister Island | Insel | EASANDFN54TD | |
East Sullivan | Ort | EASVANFN54WM | |
East Surry | Ort | EASRRYFN54SL | |
Eastbrook | Ort | EASOOKFN54UQ | |
Eastern Cemetery | Friedhof | EASERYFN54QR | |
Eastern Mark Island | Insel | EASANDFN54RE | |
Eaton Island | Insel | EATANDFN54PG | |
Eaton Cemetery | Friedhof | EATERYFN54OF | |
Eden | Ort | EDEDENFN54UK | |
Egg Rock | Insel | EGGOCKFN54WI | |
Eggemoggin | Ort | EGGGINFN54PH | |
Egypt | Ort | EGYYPTFN54UN | |
Ellsworth | Ort | ELLRTHFN54SN | |
Ellsworth Falls | Ort | ELLLLSFN54SN | |
Enchanted Island | Insel | ENCANDFN54RD | |
Evergreen Cemetery | Friedhof | EVEERYFN54OH | |
Evergreen Cemetery | Friedhof | EVEERYFN54OP | |
Evergreen Cemetery | Friedhof | EVEERYFN54PN | |
Farrel Island | Insel | FARANDFN54PC | |
Fiddle Head | Insel | FIDEADFN54OG | |
Fish Island | Insel | FISANDFN54SP | |
Five Mile Corners | Ort | FIVERSFN54PN | |
Flat Island | Insel | FLAANDFN54WJ | |
Flat Island | Insel | FLAANDFN54PF | |
Flat Landing | Ort | FLAINGFN54OI | |
Flea Island | Insel | FLEANDFN54QD | |
Fletchers Landing | Ort | FLEINGFN54TO | |
Fling Island | Insel | FLIANDFN54OF | |
Flye Cemetery | Friedhof | FLYERYFN54TG | |
Flye Island | Insel | FLYANDFN54RG | |
Folly Island | Insel | FOLANDFN54SH | |
Forest Cemetery | Friedhof | FORERYFN54PD | |
Forest Hill Cemetery | Friedhof | FORERYFN54QG | |
Forest Hill Cemetery | Friedhof | FORERYFN54UH | |
Forest Hill Cemetery | Friedhof | FORERYFN54TL | |
Forest Home Cemetery | Friedhof | FORERYFN54QH | |
Fort George | Ort | FORRGEFN54OJ | |
The Fort | Insel | THEORTFN54PD | |
Franklin | Ort | FRALINFN54VO | |
Franklin Road | Ort | FRAOADFN54UM | |
Freese Island | Insel | FREANDFN54QE | |
Freethy Cemetery | Friedhof | FREERYFN54RG | |
French Island | Insel | FREANDFN54PO | |
Frenchboro | Ort | FREOROFN54TC | |
Front Ridge Cemetery | Friedhof | FROERYFN54PN | |
Frost Cemetery | Friedhof | FROERYFN54TS | |
Gander Island | Insel | GANANDFN54RG | |
Garden Islands | Insel | GARNDSFN54SE | |
George Head Island | Insel | GEOANDFN54QD | |
Gerrishville | Ort | GERLLEFN54WJ | |
Goodwin Siding | Ort | GOOINGFN54XN | |
Goose Cove Cemetery | Friedhof | GOOERYFN54TK | |
Goose Cove Rock | Insel | GOOOCKFN54TG | |
Goose Falls | Ort | GOOLLSFN54OI | |
Goose Island | Insel | GOOANDFN54RG | |
Goose Rock | Insel | GOOOCKFN54SJ | |
Gooseberry Island | Insel | GOOANDFN54QC | |
Gooseberry Island | Insel | GOOANDFN54SD | |
Gordon Cemetery | Friedhof | GORERYFN54VM | |
Gouldsboro | Ort | GOUOROFN54XL | |
Granite Cemetery | Friedhof | GRAERYFN54QP | |
Grass Island | Insel | GRAANDFN55UE | |
Gravel Island | Insel | GRAANDFN54PK | |
Gray Cemetery | Friedhof | GRAERYFN54TJ | |
Grays Hill Cemetery | Friedhof | GRAERYFN54PH | |
Grays Island | Insel | GRAANDFN54OJ | |
Grays Corner | Ort | GRANERFN54QJ | |
Great Cranberry Island | Insel | GREANDFN54UF | |
Great Duck Island | Insel | GREANDFN54VD | |
Great Gott Island | Insel | GREANDFN54UE | |
Great Island | Insel | GREANDFN54OJ | |
Great Pond | Ort | GREONDFN54UW | |
Great Pond Cemetery | Friedhof | GREERYFN54UW | |
Great Spruce Head Island | Insel | GREANDFN54OF | |
Green Island | Insel | GREANDFN54SC | |
Green Island | Insel | GREANDFN54QD | |
Green Island | Insel | GREANDFN54TD | |
Green Island | Insel | GREANDFN54PJ | |
Green Island | Insel | GREANDFN54TJ | |
Green Island | Insel | GREANDFN54SF | |
Green Lake | Ort | GREAKEFN54RQ | |
Green Ledge | Insel | GREDGEFN54OG | |
Green Nubble | Insel | GREBLEFN54VG | |
Greening Island | Insel | GREANDFN54UG | |
Greening Ledge | Insel | GREDGEFN54UG | |
Greenwood Cemetery | Friedhof | GREERYFN54SP | |
Greenwood Cemetery | Friedhof | GREERYFN54QE | |
Grindstone Ledge | Insel | GRIDGEFN54WI | |
Grog Island | Insel | GROANDFN54QD | |
Gross Point Cemetery | Friedhof | GROERYFN54ON | |
Gunning Rock | Insel | GUNOCKFN54SC | |
Hadley Cemetery | Friedhof | HADERYFN54TT | |
Hall Cemetery | Friedhof | HALERYFN54WL | |
Hall Quarry | Ort | HALRRYFN54UI | |
Hancock | Ort | HANOCKFN54UM | |
Hancock Point | Ort | HANINTFN54VL | |
Harbor Island | Insel | HARANDFN54RF | |
Harbor Island | Insel | HARANDFN54PI | |
Harbor Island | Insel | HARANDFN54TD | |
Harbor Island | Insel | HARANDFN54SD | |
Harborside | Ort | HARIDEFN54OI | |
Hardhead Island | Insel | HARANDFN54OF | |
Hardwood Island | Insel | HARANDFN54SH | |
Haskell Cemetery | Friedhof | HASERYFN54SK | |
Hat Island | Insel | HATANDFN54RD | |
Haven | Ort | HAVVENFN54QG | |
Haynes Cemetery | Friedhof | HAYERYFN54TJ | |
Heart Island | Insel | HEAANDFN54PF | |
Hen Island | Insel | HENANDFN54SE | |
Hen Island | Insel | HENANDFN54RE | |
Henry Islands | Insel | HENNDSFN54OJ | |
Heron Island | Insel | HERANDFN54SC | |
Heron Island | Insel | HERANDFN54WI | |
Herricks | Ort | HERCKSFN54PH | |
Higgins Cemetery | Friedhof | HIGERYFN54TJ | |
High Tide Island | Insel | HIGANDFN54OJ | |
Hillcrest Cemetery | Friedhof | HILERYFN54XL | |
Hillcrest Cemetery | Friedhof | HILERYFN54VM | |
Hillrest Cemetery | Friedhof | HILERYFN54TG | |
Hills Island | Insel | HILANDFN54UM | |
Hillside Cemetery | Friedhof | HILERYFN54UK | |
Hillside Cemetery | Friedhof | HILERYFN54WK | |
Hillside Cemetery | Friedhof | HILERYFN54UR | |
Hillside Cemetery | Friedhof | HILERYFN54RM | |
Cunningham Ridge Cemetery | Friedhof | CUNERYFN54QM | |
Hodgdon Cemetery | Friedhof | HODERYFN54TH | |
Hog Island | Insel | HOGANDFN54RF | |
Hog Island | Insel | HOGANDFN54OG | |
Hog Island | Insel | HOGANDFN54WL | |
Holbrook Island | Insel | HOLANDFN54OI | |
The Hop | Insel | THEHOPFN54WJ | |
Horsehead Island | Insel | HORANDFN54NF | |
Hospital Island | Insel | HOSANDFN54OJ | |
The Hub | Insel | THEHUBFN54SI | |
The Hubs | Insel | THEUBSFN54SD | |
Huckleberry Island | Insel | HUCANDFN54QF | |
Hulls Cove | Ort | HULOVEFN54UK | |
Huney Point | Insel | HUNINTFN54QM | |
Humpkins Island | Insel | HUMANDFN54QD | |
Hurds Corner | Ort | HURNERFN54RO | |
Hutchins Cemetery | Friedhof | HUTERYFN54PL | |
Indian Bar Cemetery | Friedhof | INDERYFN54OI | |
Indian Island | Insel | INDANDFN54QM | |
Indian Point | Ort | INDINTFN54TJ | |
Ingalls Island | Insel | INGANDFN54VL | |
Ironbound Island | Insel | IROANDFN54WJ | |
Islesford | Ort | ISLORDFN54VG | |
Jackson Cemetery | Friedhof | JACERYFN54TX | |
Jed Island | Insel | JEDANDFN54SJ | |
Jehlickoo Island | Insel | JEHANDFN54WM | |
Jims Island | Insel | JIMANDFN54RF | |
Joes Island | Insel | JOEANDFN54RG | |
John Island | Insel | JOHANDFN54PD | |
Johns Island | Insel | JOHANDFN54TC | |
Johns Island | Insel | JOHANDFN54SE | |
Johns Island | Insel | JOHANDFN54TF | |
Johns Island | Insel | JOHANDFN54SH | |
Johns Island | Insel | JOHANDFN54RN | |
Johns Island Dry Ledge | Insel | JOHDGEFN54TC | |
Johnstons Island | Insel | JOHANDFN54SD | |
Jordan Cemetery | Friedhof | JORERYFN54SM | |
Jordan Island | Insel | JORANDFN54WJ | |
Joyville | Ort | JOYLLEFN54SN | |
Juniper Cemetery | Friedhof | JUNERYFN54SO | |
Junk of Pork Island | Insel | JUNANDFN54WL | |
Kelly Island | Insel | KELANDFN54WN | |
Kiahs Island | Insel | KIAANDFN54QE | |
Kimball Cemetery | Friedhof | KIMERYFN54UG | |
Lakeview Cemetery | Friedhof | LAKERYFN54PI | |
Lakewood | Ort | LAKOODFN54SP | |
Lamoine Beach | Ort | LAMACHFN54UK | |
Lamoine Corner | Ort | LAMNERFN54TL | |
Lamp Island | Insel | LAMANDFN54SF | |
Langley Cemetery | Friedhof | LANERYFN54TH | |
Lazygut Island | Insel | LAZANDFN54RE | |
Leach Cemetery | Friedhof | LEAERYFN54PL | |
Ledge Island | Insel | LEDANDFN54QL | |
Leland Cemetery | Friedhof | LELERYFN54TK | |
Line Island | Insel | LINANDFN54QL | |
Little Babson Island | Insel | LITANDFN54RF | |
Little Barred Island | Insel | LITANDFN54OF | |
Little Bear Island | Insel | LITANDFN54QF | |
Little Black Island | Insel | LITANDFN54TE | |
Little Calf Island | Insel | LITANDFN54WK | |
Little Camp Island | Insel | LITANDFN54QD | |
Little Cranberry Island | Insel | LITANDFN54VG | |
Little Crow Island | Insel | LITANDFN54PF | |
Little Deer Isle | Insel | LITSLEFN54PG | |
Little Deer Isle | Ort | LITSL1FN54PG | |
Little Duck Island | Insel | LITANDFN54VE | |
Little Eaton Island | Insel | LITANDFN54PG | |
Little Freese Island | Insel | LITANDFN54QE | |
Little George Head Island | Insel | LITAN1FN54QD | |
Little Gott Island | Insel | LITAN1FN54TE | |
Little Island | Insel | LITANDFN54WO | |
Little McGlathery Island | Insel | LITAN2FN54QD | |
Little Moose Island | Insel | LITANDFN54XI | |
Little Pickering Island | Insel | LITAN1FN54PG | |
Little Sheep Island | Insel | LITAN1FN54QE | |
Little Sugar Bear Island | Insel | LITANDFN54XL | |
Little Spruce Head Island | Insel | LITANDFN54NF | |
Littlefield Island | Insel | LITANDFN54WN | |
Lobster Island | Insel | LOBANDFN64AL | |
Long Island | Insel | LONANDFN54TC | |
Long Island | Insel | LONANDFN54RI | |
Long Island Cemetery | Friedhof | LONERYFN54RH | |
Long Porcupine Island | Insel | LONANDFN54WJ | |
Loon Island | Insel | LOOANDFN54WN | |
Loon Island | Insel | LOOANDFN54PN | |
Louse Island | Insel | LOUANDFN54RF | |
Lower Negro Island | Insel | LOWANDFN54OJ | |
Lower Torrey Island | Insel | LOWANDFN54RF | |
Lucerne-in-Maine | Ort | LUCINEFN54QQ | |
Mahoney Island | Insel | MAHANDFN54RF | |
Manset | Ort | MANSETFN54UG | |
Mariaville | Ort | MARLLEFN54TR | |
Mark Island | Insel | MARANDFN54PD | |
Mark Island | Insel | MARANDFN54WI | |
Marks Corner | Ort | MARNERFN54QL | |
Marlboro | Ort | MAROROFN54UL | |
Marshall Island | Insel | MARANDFN54RC | |
Mary Jane Island | Insel | MARANDFN54QJ | |
McGlathery Island | Insel | MCGANDFN54QC | |
McFarland Hill Cemetery | Friedhof | MCFERYFN54TM | |
Meeting House Cemetery | Friedhof | MEEERYFN54VJ | |
Mile Island | Insel | MILANDFN54WO | |
Mill Island | Insel | MILANDFN54PE | |
Millet Island | Insel | MILANDFN54QD | |
Milliken Island | Insel | MILANDFN54TJ | |
Millvale | Ort | MILALEFN54OP | |
Mink Island | Insel | MINANDFN54RJ | |
Minturn | Ort | MINURNFN54SD | |
Moore Cemetery | Friedhof | MOOERYFN54SK | |
Moose Island | Insel | MOOANDFN54PD | |
Moose Island | Insel | MOOANDFN54SG | |
Morgan Bay Cemetery | Friedhof | MORERYFN54SK | |
Mount Adams Cemetery | Friedhof | MOUERYFN54PF | |
Mount Desert Island | Insel | MOUANDFN54TI | |
Mount Desert Rock | Insel | MOUOCKFN53WX | |
Mount Ephraim Cemetery | Friedhof | MOUERYFN54RH | |
Mount Height Cemetery | Friedhof | MOUERYFN54UG | |
Mount Rest Cemetery | Friedhof | MOUERYFN54PJ | |
Mountain View Cemetery | Friedhof | MOUERYFN54UJ | |
Mountain View Cemetery | Friedhof | MOUERYFN54QK | |
Mountainville | Ort | MOULLEFN54QF | |
Mouse Island | Insel | MOUANDFN54XN | |
Mouse Island | Insel | MOUANDFN54WO | |
Murch Cemetery | Friedhof | MURERYFN54TJ | |
Murch Island | Insel | MURANDFN54VO | |
Murphy Hill Cemetery | Friedhof | MURERYFN54TG | |
Myra | Ort | MYRYRAFN54TX | |
Naskeag | Ort | NASEAGFN54RF | |
Nautilus Island | Insel | NAUANDFN54OI | |
Ned Island | Insel | NEDANDFN54WI | |
Negro Island | Insel | NEGANDFN54OJ | |
Nicolin (historical) | Wüstung | NICCALFN54RO | |
Nicolin Cemetery | Friedhof | NICERYFN54RO | |
No Mans Island | Insel | NOMANDFN54QD | |
Norris Island | Insel | NORANDFN54XJ | |
North Brooksville | Ort | NORLLEFN54PJ | |
North Bucksport | Ort | NORORTFN54OP | |
North Castine | Ort | NORINEFN54OK | |
North Brooklin | Ort | NORLINFN54RH | |
North Deer Isle | Ort | NORSLEFN54PG | |
North Ellsworth | Ort | NORRTHFN54RO | |
North Ellsworth Cemetery | Friedhof | NORERYFN54RO | |
North Lamoine | Ort | NORINEFN54TM | |
North Mariaville | Ort | NORLLEFN54TS | |
North Orland | Ort | NORANDFN54QP | |
North Penobscot | Ort | NORCOTFN54QM | |
North Sedgwick | Ort | NORICKFN54QI | |
North Sullivan | Ort | NORVANFN54VM | |
Northeast Harbor | Ort | NORBORFN54UH | |
Norumbega | Ort | NOREGAFN54PH | |
Norwood Cemetery | Friedhof | NORERYFN54TG | |
Oak Hill | Ort | OAKILLFN54PJ | |
Oak Grove Cemetery | Friedhof | OAKERYFN54PN | |
Oceanville | Ort | OCELLEFN54QE | |
Old Birchland Cemetery | Friedhof | OLDERYFN54RH | |
Old Burying Ground Cemetery | Friedhof | OLDERYFN54SN | |
Old Soaker | Insel | OLDKERFN54VH | |
Opechee Island | Insel | OPEANDFN54SE | |
Orland | Ort | ORLANDFN54PN | |
Orono Island | Insel | OROANDFN54SE | |
Otis | Ort | OTITISFN54SR | |
Otter Creek | Ort | OTTEEKFN54VH | |
Outer Bar Island | Insel | OUTANDFN64AJ | |
Paine Cemetery | Friedhof | PAIERYFN54UJ | |
Parker Cemetery | Friedhof | PARERYFN54QQ | |
Parkhurst Island | Insel | PARANDFN54SP | |
Parks Island | Insel | PARANDFN54SD | |
Partridge Island | Insel | PARANDFN54OI | |
Partridge Island | Insel | PARANDFN54XN | |
Peak Island | Insel | PEAANDFN54OF | |
Pearson Island | Insel | PEAANDFN54WM | |
Peggys Island | Insel | PEGANDFN54PD | |
Penobscot | Ort | PENCOTFN54PL | |
Penobscot (historical) | Wüstung | PENCALFN54OJ | |
Penny Cemetery | Friedhof | PENERYFN54TS | |
Perch Island | Insel | PERANDFN55WC | |
Perry Cemetery | Friedhof | PERERYFN54PK | |
Phoebe Island | Insel | PHOANDFN54RD | |
Pickerel Island | Insel | PICANDFN54RO | |
Pickering Island | Insel | PICANDFN54PG | |
Pigeon Island | Insel | PIGANDFN54PF | |
Pine Grove Cemetery | Friedhof | PINERYFN54QI | |
Pine Island | Insel | PINANDFN54QL | |
Placentia Island | Insel | PLAANDFN54TE | |
Pomroy Cemetery | Friedhof | POMERYFN54TG | |
Polypod Island | Insel | POLANDFN54QE | |
Pond Island | Insel | PONANDFN54SF | |
Pond Island | Insel | PONANDFN54OH | |
Pond Island | Insel | PONANDFN54XI | |
Porcupina Island | Insel | PORANDFN54ON | |
Porcupine Dry Ledge | Insel | PORDGEFN54VJ | |
The Porcupines | Insel | THENESFN54OE | |
The Porcupines | Insel | THENESFN54VJ | |
Potato Island | Insel | POTANDFN54QD | |
Potato Island | Insel | POTAN1FN54QD | |
Potato Island | Insel | POTANDFN54RE | |
Preble Island | Insel | PREANDFN54VL | |
Pretty Marsh Cemetery | Friedhof | PREERYFN54TI | |
Pretty Marsh | Ort | PRERSHFN54TI | |
Prospect Harbor | Ort | PROBORFN54XJ | |
Pumpkin Island | Insel | PUMANDFN54PH | |
Pumpkin Island | Insel | PUMANDFN54PJ | |
Pyles Cemetery | Friedhof | PYLERYFN54SR | |
Quinn Cemetery | Friedhof | QUIERYFN54OF | |
Rabbit Island | Insel | RABANDFN54PE | |
Ram Island | Insel | RAMANDFN54QD | |
Ram Island | Insel | RAMANDFN54OI | |
Ram Island | Insel | RAMANDFN54TD | |
Reach | Ort | REAACHFN54QF | |
Reach Cemetery | Friedhof | REAERYFN54QG | |
Red Rock Corner | Ort | REDNERFN54TJ | |
Remick Cemetery | Friedhof | REMERYFN54SM | |
Resolution Island | Insel | RESANDFN54NG | |
Richs Corner | Ort | RICNERFN54SL | |
Richtown | Ort | RICOWNFN54TF | |
Ringtown Island | Insel | RINANDFN54SC | |
Riverside Cemetery | Friedhof | RIVERYFN54UM | |
Riverview Cemetery | Friedhof | RIVERYFN54OP | |
Robbins Cemetery | Friedhof | ROBERYFN54TG | |
Rock Island | Insel | ROCANDFN54QO | |
Rock Island | Insel | ROCANDFN54QD | |
Rolling Island | Insel | ROLANDFN54XI | |
Round Island | Insel | ROUANDFN54SE | |
Round Island | Insel | ROUANDFN54QC | |
Rum Island | Insel | RUMANDFN54TI | |
Rum Key | Insel | RUMKEYFN54VJ | |
Rumell Island | Insel | RUMANDFN54TG | |
Rural Cemetery | Friedhof | RURERYFN54QH | |
Rural Cemetery | Friedhof | RURER1FN54QH | |
Russ Island | Insel | RUSANDFN54QD | |
Saddleback Island | Insel | SADANDFN54RD | |
Saint Helena Island | Insel | SAIANDFN54QD | |
Salisbury Cemetery | Friedhof | SALERYFN54UK | |
Sally Islands | Insel | SALNDSFN64AJ | |
Sally Island | Insel | SALANDFN64AJ | |
Salsbury Cove | Ort | SALOVEFN54UK | |
Salter Cemetery | Friedhof | SALERYFN54VM | |
Sams Island | Insel | SAMANDFN54PE | |
Sand Beach | Ort | SANACHFN54RO | |
Sand Beach Ledge | Insel | SANDGEFN54SD | |
Sand Island | Insel | SANANDFN54PD | |
Sand Island | Insel | SANANDFN54SG | |
Sand Island | Insel | SANANDFN55WC | |
Sand Island | Insel | SANANDFN54RJ | |
Saras Island | Insel | SARANDFN54OI | |
Sargents Island | Insel | SARANDFN54XJ | |
Sargentville | Ort | SARLLEFN54PH | |
Sawyers Island | Insel | SAWANDFN54TF | |
Sawyers Island | Insel | SAWANDFN54QF | |
Schoodic | Ort | SCHDICFN54WN | |
Schoodic Island | Insel | SCHANDFN54XH | |
Scott Islands | Insel | SCONDSFN54PG | |
Scott Island | Insel | SCOANDFN54QD | |
Scrag Island | Insel | SCRANDFN54SC | |
Scrag Island | Insel | SCRANDFN54NF | |
Scraggy Island | Insel | SCRANDFN54PD | |
Seal Cove | Ort | SEAOVEFN54TG | |
Seal Harbor | Ort | SEABORFN54VH | |
Seaside Cemetery | Friedhof | SEAERYFN54RJ | |
Seawall | Ort | SEAALLFN54UG | |
Second Island | Insel | SECANDFN54PD | |
Sedgwick | Ort | SEDICKFN54QH | |
Sellers Island | Insel | SELANDFN54RF | |
Shabby Island | Insel | SHAANDFN54RD | |
Sheep Island | Insel | SHEANDFN54QE | |
Sheep Island | Insel | SHEANDFN54OI | |
Sheep Island | Insel | SHEANDFN54UI | |
Sheep Island | Insel | SHEANDFN64AJ | |
Sheep Island | Insel | SHEANDFN54PG | |
Sheep Island | Insel | SHEANDFN54RE | |
Sheep Island | Insel | SHEANDFN54SF | |
Sheep Porcupine Island | Insel | SHEANDFN54VJ | |
Sheephead Island | Insel | SHEANDFN54PE | |
Sheldrake Island | Insel | SHEANDFN54WL | |
Sheldrake Ledge | Insel | SHEDGEFN54QE | |
Shingle Island | Insel | SHIANDFN54RD | |
Ship Island | Insel | SHIANDFN54SF | |
Silver Lake Cemetery | Friedhof | SILERYFN54OO | |
Simpson Cemetery | Friedhof | SIMERYFN54WM | |
Sister Islands | Insel | SISNDSFN54TD | |
Sloop Island | Insel | SLOANDFN54OE | |
Smuttynose Island | Insel | SMUANDFN54RF | |
Snake Island | Insel | SNAANDFN54RN | |
Somesville | Ort | SOMLLEFN54TI | |
Sorrento | Ort | SORNTOFN54VL | |
South Blue Hill | Ort | SOUILLFN54RI | |
South Brooksville | Ort | SOULLEFN54PI | |
South Deer Isle | Ort | SOUSLEFN54QE | |
South Gouldsboro | Ort | SOUOROFN54WK | |
South Hancock | Ort | SOUOCKFN54UM | |
South Orland | Ort | SOUANDFN54OM | |
South Penobscot | Ort | SOUCOTFN54PK | |
South Penobscot Cemetery | Friedhof | SOUERYFN54PK | |
South Surry | Ort | SOURRYFN54SJ | |
South Surry Cemetery | Friedhof | SOUERYFN54SK | |
Southern Mark Island | Insel | SOUANDFN54RD | |
Southwest Harbor | Ort | SOUBORFN54UG | |
Soward Island | Insel | SOWANDFN54WL | |
Sparks Island | Insel | SPAANDFN54PK | |
Spectacle Island | Insel | SPEANDFN54WI | |
Spectacle Island | Insel | SPEANDFN54OH | |
Sprout Island | Insel | SPRANDFN54QD | |
Spruce Island | Insel | SPRAN1FN54QD | |
Squid Island | Insel | SQUANDFN54TI | |
Stave Island | Insel | STAANDFN54PG | |
Stave Island | Insel | STAANDFN54WK | |
Steep Landing | Ort | STEINGFN54VS | |
Steres Island | Insel | STEANDFN54QO | |
Steve Island | Insel | STEANDFN54QD | |
Stinson Neck | Insel | STIECKFN54QE | |
Stonington | Ort | STOTONFN54PD | |
Stony Island | Insel | STOANDFN54SD | |
Stover Corner | Ort | STONERFN54PJ | |
Stover Island | Insel | STOANDFN54XK | |
Stover Island | Insel | STOAN1FN54XK | |
The Sugarloaf | Insel | THEOAFFN54OF | |
Sullivan | Ort | SULVANFN54VM | |
Summer Harbor | Ort | SUMBORFN54WJ | |
Sumner Cemetery | Friedhof | SUMERYFN54WM | |
Sunnyside Cemetery | Friedhof | SUNERYFN54UP | |
Sunset | Ort | SUNSETFN54PE | |
Sunshine | Ort | SUNINEFN54RE | |
Surry | Ort | SURRRYFN54RL | |
Sutton Island | Insel | SUTANDFN54UG | |
Swans Island | Ort | SWAANDFN54SD | |
Swans Island | Insel | SWAAN1FN54SD | |
Teachers Island | Insel | TEAANDFN54RO | |
Teakettle Island | Insel | TEAANDFN54QF | |
The Graveyard | Friedhof | THEARDFN54WJ | |
Thomas Island | Insel | THOANDFN54TK | |
Thompson Island | Insel | THOAN1FN54TK | |
Three Bush Island | Insel | THRANDFN54RC | |
Thrumcap | Insel | THRCAPFN54VG | |
Thrumcap | Insel | THRCAPFN54WK | |
Thrumcap Island | Insel | THRANDFN54OH | |
The Thrumcap | Insel | THECAPFN54VI | |
Tinker Island | Insel | TINANDFN54SG | |
Torrey Castle | Insel | TORTLEFN54QG | |
Torrey Islands | Insel | TORNDSFN54QG | |
Town Hill | Ort | TOWILLFN54TJ | |
Trap Rock | Insel | TRAOCKFN54TK | |
Treasure Island | Insel | TREANDFN54WL | |
Tremont | Ort | TREONTFN54TG | |
Trenton | Ort | TRETONFN54TK | |
Trumpet Island | Insel | TRUANDFN54SF | |
Tunk Lake | Ort | TUNAKEFN54WN | |
Turtle Island | Insel | TURANDFN54WI | |
Twenty Acre Island | Insel | TWEANDFN54RO | |
The Twinnies | Insel | THEIESFN54TK | |
Two Bush Island | Insel | TWOANDFN54QD | |
Two Bush Island | Insel | TWOANDFN54OG | |
Union Cemetery | Friedhof | UNIERYFN54QQ | |
Union Cemetery | Friedhof | UNIERYFN54UG | |
Upper Negro Island | Insel | UPPANDFN54OJ | |
Upper Torrey Island | Insel | UPPANDFN54QG | |
Verona | Ort | VERONAFN54ON | |
Verona Island | Insel | VERANDFN54OM | |
Verona Park | Ort | VERARKFN54ON | |
Village Cemetery | Friedhof | VILERYFN54SL | |
Village Cemetery | Friedhof | VILERYFN54ON | |
Waltham | Ort | WALHAMFN54TR | |
Washington Junction | Ort | WASIONFN54TN | |
Waukeag | Ort | WAUEAGFN54VM | |
West Barge | Insel | WESRGEFN54SF | |
West Brooklin | Ort | WESLINFN54QH | |
West Brooksville Cemetery | Friedhof | WESERYFN54OJ | |
West Castine | Ort | WESINEFN54OK | |
West Brooksville | Ort | WESLLEFN54OJ | |
West Deer Isle | Ort | WESSLEFN54PE | |
West Ellsworth | Ort | WESRTHFN54RN | |
West Franklin | Ort | WESLINFN54UO | |
West Gouldsboro | Ort | WESOROFN54WL | |
West Penobscot | Ort | WESCOTFN54OL | |
West Sister Island | Insel | WESANDFN54TD | |
West Stonington | Ort | WESTONFN54PD | |
West Sullivan | Ort | WESVANFN54VM | |
West Surry | Ort | WESRRYFN54QM | |
West Surry Cemetery | Friedhof | WESERYFN54QM | |
West Tremont | Ort | WESONTFN54TG | |
West Trenton | Ort | WESTONFN54TK | |
Westcott Cemetery | Friedhof | WESERYFN54PK | |
Western Island | Insel | WESANDFN54OG | |
Western Island | Insel | WESANDFN64AJ | |
Whig Island | Insel | WHIANDFN54QF | |
White Island | Insel | WHIANDFN54RF | |
Whitman Cemetery | Friedhof | WHIERYFN54OM | |
Whitman Cemetery | Friedhof | WHIER1FN54OM | |
Whitmore Neck | Insel | WHIECKFN54QE | |
Whittenmore Cemetery | Friedhof | WHIERYFN54SL | |
Wildwood Farm | Hof | WILARMFN54VH | |
Williams Cemetery | Friedhof | WILERYFN54UP | |
Wilson Corner | Ort | WILNERFN54RP | |
Winkumpaugh Corners | Ort | WINERSFN54QP | |
Winslow Island | Insel | WINANDFN54PK | |
Winter Harbor | Ort | WINBORFN54XJ | |
Witherspoon Cemetery | Friedhof | WITERYFN54OF | |
Wood Cemetery | Friedhof | WOOER1FN54PI | |
Wonderland | Ort | WONANDFN54UF | |
Woodbine Cemetery | Friedhof | WOOERYFN54TN | |
Wreck Island | Insel | WREANDFN54QD | |
Yellow Island | Insel | YELANDFN54WK | |
York Hill Cemetery | Friedhof | YORERYFN54VM | |
Youngs Islands | Insel | YOUNDSFN54PK | |
The Nub | Insel | THENUBFN54RJ | |
Center | Ort | CENTERFN54TH | |
Ames Cemetery | Friedhof | AMEERYFN54QD | |
Anderson Cemetery | Friedhof | ANDERYFN54SL | |
Bartlett Island Number 5 Cemetery | Friedhof | BARERYFN54SI | |
Benson Cemetery | Friedhof | BENERYFN54TF | |
Burns Richardson Burial Ground | Friedhof | BURUNDFN54TJ | |
Dorr Thompson Cemetery | Friedhof | DORERYFN54QN | |
Fullerton Milliken Cemetery | Friedhof | FULERYFN54SM | |
Gilley Burying Ground | Friedhof | GILUNDFN54UG | |
Gott Island Cemetery | Friedhof | GOTERYFN54UE | |
Gray Cemetery | Friedhof | GRAERYFN54QO | |
Howards Hill Cemetery | Friedhof | HOWERYFN54PG | |
Lurvey Cemetery | Friedhof | LURERYFN54UH | |
Page Eldridge Cemetery | Friedhof | PAGERYFN54PO | |
Savage Graves | Friedhof | SAVVESFN54UG | |
Stanley Gilley Cemetery | Friedhof | STAERYFN54VG | |
Stanley Hadlock Cemetery | Friedhof | STAER1FN54VG | |
Valerius Black Cemetery | Friedhof | VALERYFN54OI |
object_401578 gehört zu object_276670, heißt (auf deu) Hancock County, ist (auf deu) Kreis;