Orte die ca. 5 km von Lime Springs Cemetery (LIMERYEM62QW) entfernt sind

Name Typ GOV-Kennung
Robinson Springs Cemetery Friedhof ROBERYEM62QW
Pleasant Hill Cemetery Friedhof PLEERYEM62QX
Mineral Springs Ort MINNGSEM62QW
Mineral Springs Cemetery Friedhof MINERYEM62QW
Pleasant Hill Cemetery Friedhof PLEER1EM62QX
Davis Cemetery Friedhof DAVERYEM62QW
Gap of the Mountain Ort GAPAINEM62QV
Cane Creek Cemetery Friedhof CANERYEM62QV
Mount Zion Cemetery Friedhof MOUERYEM62QX
Lime Springs Cemetery Friedhof LIMERYEM62QW
Mount Bethel Cemetery Friedhof MOUERYEM62QW
McKee Cemetery Friedhof MCKERYEM62RW
New Hope Cemetery Friedhof NEWERYEM62RW
Macedonia Cemetery Friedhof MACERYEM62RW
Macedonia Cemetery Friedhof MACER1EM62RW
Ware Island Insel WARANDEM62RW
The Negrohead (historical) Insel THECALEM62RX
Cedar Island (historical) Insel CEDCALEM62RX
Gilchrist Island Insel GILANDEM62RW
Big Rock Island Insel BIGANDEM62RV
Foshee Islands Insel FOSNDSEM62RW
Little Rock Island Insel LITANDEM62RW