Orte die ca. 5 km von The Graves (THEVESFN42NI) entfernt sind

Name Typ GOV-Kennung
Gosnold Island Insel GOSANDFN42MJ
Nahant Rock Insel NAHOCKFN42MJ
Gallops Island Insel GALANDFN42MH
Lovell Island Insel LOVANDFN42MH
Flip Rock Insel FLIOCKFN42MJ
Finns Ledge Insel FINDGEFN42MI
Whitings Ledge Insel WHIDGEFN42MH
Old South Cemetery Friedhof OLDERYFN42MI
Black Rock Insel BLAOCKFN42NH
Kelly Rock Insel KELOCKFN42NH
Aldridge Ledge Insel ALDDGEFN42NI
Commissioners Ledge Insel COMDGEFN42NI
Great Brewster Island Insel GREANDFN42NH
Calf Island Insel CALANDFN42NI
Maffitt Ledge Insel MAFDGEFN42NI
Calf Islands Insel CALNDSFN42NI
Little Calf Island Insel LITANDFN42NI
Pope Rock Insel POPOCKFN42NI
Green Island Insel GREANDFN42NI
Little Brewster Island Insel LITANDFN42NH
Boston Lighthouse Gebäude BOSUSEFN42NH
Brewster Islands Insel BRENDSFN42NI
Middle Brewster Island Insel MIDANDFN42NI
Flying Place Insel FLYACEFN42NI
Outer Brewster Island Insel OUTANDFN42NI
The Graves Insel THEVESFN42NI
Tewksbury Rock Insel TEWOCKFN42NI
Northeast Grave Insel NORAVEFN42NI