Berlinchen, Barlinek


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GOV id
  • Stadt
area (km²)
Article about this place in the wiki
Geographic Position
  • 0.0°N 0.0°E calculated center position of the place
  • Number of the German 1:25,000 map sheet: 2957
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Superordinate objects


 political administration

Superordinate objects

Superordinate objects

name Timespan type Source
Berlinchen (- 1945) Magistrates' Court Source Seite 154 / 155 Source page 91
Soldin (- 1945) rural county Source page 91 Source S. 154 / 155
Berlinchen (1898) Amtsbezirk Source S. 154 / 155
Berlinchen (1874-10-01 - 1945) civil registry Source § 55 Source page 91 Source Außerordentliche Beilage S. 17 Nr. 31 Source S. 154 / 155

Subordinate objects

name type GOV-Id Timespan
Friedrichshof, Gostynek settlement FRIHOFJO73OA
Espenbusch, Osina settlement village ESPSCHJO73OA (- 1945)
Seehof settlement SEEHOFJO72OX
Papiermühle, Papiernia mill PAPHLEJO73OA
Schiefeberg, Sadowie settlement SCHERGJO72OX
Waldschenke settlement WALNKEJO72OX
Wolfsburg, Wilcze Vorwerk colony WOLURGJO73PA (1928-09-30 - 1945)
Untermühle, Słodowiec mill UNTHLEJO73OA
Paulsfelde, Jaromierki part of place PAULDEJO73OA (- 1945)
Ausbau Waldheim settlement AUSEIMJO72OX
Forsthaus Stadtheide, Błonie forester's house part of place STAIDEJO72PW (- 1945)
Rats-Sägewerk, Rathsschneidemühle mill RATERKJO73PA
Weinberg settlement WEIERGJO73OA
Berlinchener Feld, Ożar settlement village BERELDJO73NA (- 1945)
Berlinchen, Barlinek town BERHE1JO72OX (- 1945)
Herrmannswunsch, Krzepinek part of place HERSCHJO73OA (- 1945)
Pflugfabrik, Pługi settlement PFLRIKJO73OA
Rettungshaus settlement BERAUSJO73OA
Walkmühle, Stalonka mill WALHLEJO73OA
Wilhelmswunsch, Lutowo part of place WILSCHJO73OA (- 1945)
Elisenthal, Moskowo part of place ELIHALJO73OA (- 1945)
Lohmühle, Korzkiew mill LOHHLEJO73OA
Siede, Żydowo manor village SIEEDEJO73OA (1928-09-30 - 1945)
Karlshof settlement KARHOFJO72OX
Johanneshöhe, Janowo settlement JOHOHEJO73OA (- 1945)
Rauschmühle, Sitnik mill RAUHLEJO73PA (1928-09-30 -)
Weizenfelde, Kocioł part of place WEILDEJO72OX (- 1945)
Albertinenburg, Lutówko settlement village ALBURGJO73OA (- 1945)

Images in the GenWiki


	has 1875 population 4744 says source_190312,
	has 1880 population 4973 says source_190312,
	has 1890 population 5405 says source_190312,
	has 1895-12-02 area 38.023 says source_1023281 (S. 154 / 155),
	has 1895-12-02 population 5753 says source_1023281 (S. 154 / 155),
	has 1910-12-01 population 6194 says source_265044,
	has 1925 households 1817 says source_1023282 (Seite 91),
	has 1925-06-16 population 6535 says source_1023282 (p. 91),
	has 1931 area 48.429 says source_1023282 (p. 91),
	has 1933 population 7621 says source_190312,
	has 1939 population 7603 says source_190312,
	has 1939 population 7621,
	has from 1945 name (in pol) Barlinek says source_149286,
	has until 1945 name (in deu) Berlinchen says source_1023282 (p. 91),
	is (in deu) Stadt (Gebietskörperschaft),
	is 1898 part of object_1050339 says source_1023281 (S. 154 / 155),
	is from 1874-10-01 until 1945 part of object_1050289 says source_1023281 (S. 154 / 155) says source_1023282 (p. 91) says source_1335058 (Außerordentliche Beilage S. 17 Nr. 31) says source_1336431 (§ 55),
	is until 1945 part of object_190185 says source_1023281 (S. 154 / 155) says source_1023282 (p. 91),
	is until 1945 part of object_285683 says source_1023281 (Seite 154 / 155) says source_1023282 (p. 91);
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