Sulz am Neckar, villa publica Sulza


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GOV id
  • Sulz am Neckar (deu)
  • villa publica Sulza (lat) (790)
  • town (1824 -)
  • 12800 (2004)
postal code
  • W7247 (- 1993-06-30)
  • 72172 (1993-07-01 -)
web page
municipal id
  • 08325057
external id
Article about this place in the wiki
Geographic Position
  • 48.3615°N 8.6317°E
  • Number of the German 1:25,000 map sheet: 7617
Contact possibilities

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Superordinate objects


 political administration

Superordinate objects

Superordinate objects

name Timespan type Source
Sulz am Neckar (1973 -) Verwaltungsgemeinschaft
Horb (1938 - 1973) rural county
Sulz am Neckar (1972-01-01 -) Stadt
Sulz, Kreis Sulz (1806 - 1938) Oberamt

Subordinate objects

name type GOV-Id Timespan
Hopfau Pfarrdorf municipality part of town HOPFAUJN48GI (1973 -)
Geroldseck (herzogliche Domäne) Farm GERECKJN48HI (1936)
St. Johannes Evang. (Sulz am Neckar) church STJKARJN48HI
Riedelhalde Farm RIELDEJN48HI (1936)
Mühlheim am Bach Pfarrdorf municipality part of town MUHEIMJN48II (1973 -)
Wehrstein settlement WEHEINJN48IJ
Holzhausen (Sulz) village municipality part of town HOLSENJN48HI (1973 -)
Bergfelden Pfarrdorf municipality part of town BERDENJN48II (1973 -)
Allerheiligen village ALLGENJN48HJ
Schillerhöhe place SCHOHEJN48HI
Domäne Geroldseck place GERECK_W7247
Oberhof settlement OBEHOFJN48HJ
Glatt village part of town GLAATTJN48HJ (1973-01-01 -)
Lindenhof settlement LINHOFJN48HI
Priorberg place PRIERGJN48HJ
Dürrenmettstetten village municipality part of town DURTENJN48GJ (1973 -)
Weilerhaus houses WEIAUSJN48HI (1936)
Schnaithof Farm SCHHOF_W7247 (1936)
Ramshalde Farm RAMLDEJN48HI (1936)
Kastell part of town KASELLJN48HI
Sommerhalde settlement SOMLDEJN48HJ
Pfanhof Farm PFAHOFJN48HI (1936)
Marienhof Farm MARHOFJN48HI (1936)
Viehhaus Farm VIEAUS_W7247 (1936)
Renfrizhausen village municipality part of town RENSENJN48II (1973 -)
Bühlhof settlement BUHHOFJN48HJ
Sigmarswangen village municipality part of town SIGGENJN48HH (1973 -)
Fischingen village part of town FISGENJN48IJ (1972-03-01 -)
Amthof settlement AMTHOFJN48HI
Eckhof settlement ECKHOFJN48II

Images in the GenWiki


	has 2004 population 12800,
	has 790 name (in lat) villa publica Sulza,
	has URL,
	has external reference  geonames:2824855,
	has external reference  opengeodb:24760,
	has from 1993-07-01 postal code 72172,
	has municipal id 08325057,
	has name (in deu) Sulz am Neckar,
	has until 1993-06-30 postal code W7247,
	is from 1806 until 1938 part of object_190763,
	is from 1824 (in deu) Stadt (Siedlung),
	is from 1938 until 1973 part of object_190762,
	is from 1972-01-01 part of object_1350275,
	is from 1973 part of object_153017,
	located at 48.3615°N 8.63174°O;
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