Ludwigshafen, Rhein-Pfalz-Kreis


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GOV id
  • Ludwigshafen (deu) (1969 - 2003-12-31) Source
  • Rhein-Pfalz-Kreis (deu) (2004-01-01 -) Source
  • rural county (rural) (1969 -)
web page
external id
  • NUTS1999:DEB3I
  • NUTS2003:DEB3I
Article about this place in the wiki
Geographic Position
  • 49.4158°N 8.3505°E calculated center position of the place
  • Number of the German 1:25,000 map sheet: 6516
Contact possibilities

If you want to connect with other people interested in Rheinland-Pfalz, we suggest to to use our Rheinland-Pfalz regional forum..


aus den LK Speyer und Ludwigshafen am Rhein entstanden

Superordinate objects


 political administration

Superordinate objects

Superordinate objects

name Timespan type Source
Rheinhessen-Pfalz (1969 - 2000) administrative district
Rhineland-Palatinate, Rhineland-Palatinate, Rhénanie-Palatinat, Rheinland-Pfalz, Rijnland Palts (2000 -) federal state

Subordinate objects

name type GOV-Id Timespan
Waldhaus am End place WALEND_W6731
Römerberg municipality ROMERGJN49EG (- 2014-06-30)
Lambsheim municipality LAMEIMJN49DM (1969 - 2014-06-30)
Maxdorf Verbandsgemeinde object_152640 (1972 -)
Maxdorf Ortsgemeinde MAXORFJN49DL (1969 - 1972)
Maxfeld place MAXELD_W6731
Äußere Wörth place AUSRTH_W6701
Heßheim Verbandsgemeinde object_152639 (1972 - 2014-06-30)
Heßheim Ortsgemeinde HESEIMJN49DN (1969 - 1972)
Römerberg-Dudenhofen Verbandsgemeinde object_1078039 (2014-07-01 -)
Waldsee, Rheinauen Verbandsgemeinde object_152641 (1972 - 2014-06-30)
Waldsee Ortsgemeinde WALSEEJN49FJ (1969 - 1972)
Waldsee Verbandsgemeinde object_1078175 (2014-07-01 -)
Birkenheide Ortsgemeinde BIRIDEJN49DL (1969 - 1972)
Dannstadt-Schauernheim Verbandsgemeinde object_152637 (1972 -)
Dannstadt-Schauernheim municipality Ortsgemeinde DANEIM_W6701 (1969 - 1972)
Waldmühle place WALHLE_W6701
Bobenheim-Roxheim municipality BOBEIMJN49EO (1969 -)
Harthausen Ortsgemeinde HARSENJN49EH (1969 - 1972)
Dudenhofen Ortsgemeinde DUDFENJN49EH (1969 - 1972)
Dudenhofen Verbandsgemeinde object_152638 (1972 - 2014-06-30)
Beindersheim Ortsgemeinde BEIEIMJN49DN (1969 - 1972)
Eulenhof place EULHOF_W6701
Rödersheim, Rödersheim-Gronau Ortsgemeinde RODNAUJN49DK (1969 -)
Kleinniedesheim Ortsgemeinde KLEEIM_W6711 (1969 - 1972)
Fußgönheim Ortsgemeinde FUSEIMJN49DL (1969 - 1972)
Waldschänke, Waldschenke Gemeindeteil WALNKE_W6731
Hanhofen Ortsgemeinde HANFENJN49EH (1969 - 1972)
Großniedesheim Ortsgemeinde GROEIMJN49DN (1969 - 1972)
Heuchelheim bei Frankenthal Ortsgemeinde HEUHALJN49DN (1969 - 1972)
Waldhaus Gemeindeteil WALAUS_W6724
Waldlenz Gemeindeteil WALENZ_W6707
Hochdorf-Assenheim Ortsgemeinde HOCEIMJN49DK (1969 - 1972)
Schifferstadt municipality Stadt SCHADTJN49EJ (1969 -)
Ruchheim municipality RUCEIM_W6701 (1969 - 1974)
Limburger Guth, Limburgerhof municipality LIMHOFJN49EK (1969 -)
Allmend place ALLEND_W6721
Otterstadt Ortsgemeinde OTTADTJN49FI (1969 - 1972)
Neuhofen municipality Ortsgemeinde NEUFENJN49FK (1969 - 2014-06-30)
Lambsheim-Heßheim Verbandsgemeinde object_1078181 (2014-07-01 -)
Mutterstadt municipality MUTADTJN49EK (1969 -)
Böhl-Iggelheim municipality BOHEIMJN49DI (1969-06-07 -)
Altrip municipality Ortsgemeinde ALTRIPJN49GK (1969 - 2014-06-30)

Images in the GenWiki


	 TEXT: aus den LK Speyer und Ludwigshafen am Rhein entstanden:TEXT,
	has 1995 population 143416 says source_284814,
	has 2000 population 146986 says source_284814,
	has 2005 population 148902 says source_284814,
	has URL,
	has URL,
	has external reference  NUTS1999:DEB3I,
	has external reference  NUTS2003:DEB3I,
	has from 1969 until 2003-12-31 name (in deu) Ludwigshafen says source_293559,
	has from 2004-01-01 name (in deu) Rhein-Pfalz-Kreis says source_293559,
	is from 1969 (in deu) Landkreis,
	is from 1969 until 2000 part of adm_369073,
	is from 2000 part of adm_369070;
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