

This map shows the position or outline of the object. Have you found an error? Then we would be happy about a message.

GOV id http://gov.genealogy.net/object_190327
area (km²)
  • 38424.77 (1880-12-01) Source Tab. III S. 27
  • 38473.93 (1890-12-01) Source Tab. III S. 26
  • 38511.04 (1900-12-01) Source (Tab. II S. 8
  • 38509.41 (1910-12-01) Source Tab. II S. 8
  • 38583.63 (1925-06-16) Source page 44
  • 38796.65 (1935-10-01) Source page 6
  • 38642.06 (1941-01-01) Source page 8
Article about this place in the genealogy.net wiki
Geographic Position
  • 51.0613°N 8.3675°E calculated center position of the place
  • Number of the German 1:25,000 map sheet: 4916

Superordinate objects


 political administration

Superordinate objects

Superordinate objects

name Timespan type Source
German Confederation, Deutscher Bund (1815 - 1866) confederation
Britische Besatzungszone (1945 - 1946-10-31) zone of occupation
Pruissen, Pruisen, Preußen (1866 - 1945) duchy kingdom free state Source

Subordinate objects

name type GOV-Id Timespan
Papenburg Mairie Bürgermeisterei object_1157459 (1815 - 1817)
Bentheim, Grafschaft Bentheim dominion countship Landesteil object_406716 (1815 - 1816)
Verden, Herzogtum Verden Hochstift duchy duchy Landesteil object_407016 (1814-10-12 - 1816)
Lüneburg Landdrostei administrative district adm_369033 (1816 - 1946-11-01)
Ober-Appellationsgericht Celle, Celle Oberlandesgericht object_285309 (- 1946-11-01)
Hildesheim Landdrostei object_1092814 (1816 - 1885)
Hildesheim administrative district object_268788 (1885-04-01 - 1946-10-31)
Diepholz, Grafschaft Diepholz dominion countship Landesteil object_407133 (1814 - 1816)
Osnabrück Landdrostei object_810430 (1816 - 1885)
Osnabrück administrative district object_268789 (1885-04-01 - 1946-11-01)
Herrschaft Lingen, Niedergrafschaft Lingen dominion Landesteil object_1157607 (1815 - 1816)
Ostfriesland, Provinz Ostfriesland, Fürstentum Ostfriesland countship Landesteil object_407154 (1815 - 1816)
Oberharz Landesteil object_1337812 (1814 - 1816)
Hannover Landdrostei object_1092815 (1816 - 1885)
Hannover administrative district adm_369032 (1885-04-01 - 1946-10-31)
Stade Landdrostei administrative district object_217487 (1816 - 1946-11-01)
Kreis Emsbüren Landesteil object_1156481 (1815 - 1816)
Münstersche Absplisse Landesteil object_1174912 (1815 - 1816)
Berghauptmannschaft am Oberharz, Berghauptmannschaft Clausthal Landesteil object_1163954 (1816 - 1868)
Herrlichkeit Lage dominion LAGKELJO32LL (1814 - 1816)
Meppen, Kreis Meppen, Herzogtum Arenberg-Meppen Amt (administrative division) Landesteil object_1157731 (1815 - 1816)
Hildesheim, Fürstentum Hildesheim Hochstift principality Landesteil object_398088 (1814-10-12 - 1816)
Osnabrück, Fürstentum Osnabrück Hochstift principality Landesteil object_407020 (1814 - 1816)
Aurich Landdrostei object_1157165 (1816 - 1885)
Aurich administrative district object_268787 (1885-04-01 - 1946-11-01)
Hoya, Grafschaft Hoya countship Landesteil object_407151 (1814-10-12 - 1816)

Images in the GenWiki


	has 1871 population 1961437 says source_190312,
	has 1875 population 2017393 says source_190312,
	has 1880-12-01 area 38424.77 says source_1343683 (Tab. III S. 27),
	has 1880-12-01 population 2120168 says source_1343683 (Tab. II S. 18),
	has 1885 population 2168135 says source_284268,
	has 1890-12-01 area 38473.93 says source_1343682 (Tab. III S. 26),
	has 1890-12-01 population 2278361 says source_1343682 (Tab. II S. 18),
	has 1900-12-01 area 38511.04 says source_1343684 ((Tab. II S. 8),
	has 1900-12-01 population 2590939 says source_1343684 (Tab. I S. 2),
	has 1910-12-01 area 38509.41 says source_1341051 (Tab. II S. 8),
	has 1910-12-01 population 2942436 says source_1341051 (Tab. II S. 8) says source_265044,
	has 1925 population 3191000 says source_190311,
	has 1925-06-16 area 38583.63 says source_1341056 (p. 44),
	has 1925-06-16 population 3190619 says source_1341056 (p. 44) says source_190312,
	has 1933-06-16 population 3367507 says source_1267338 (p. 6) says source_190312,
	has 1935-10-01 area 38796.65 says source_1267338 (p. 6),
	has 1939 population 3477198 says source_190312,
	has 1939-05-17 population 3476056 says source_298730 (p. 8),
	has 1941-01-01 area 38642.06 says source_298730 (p. 8),
	has until 1946-11-01 name (in deu) Hannover says source_284835,
	is from 1814-10-12 until 1866 (in deu) Königreich,
	is from 1815 until 1866 part of object_218127,
	is from 1866 until 1945 part of object_190317 says source_284834,
	is from 1866 until 1946-08-22 (in deu) Provinz says source_284834,
	is from 1945 until 1946-10-31 part of object_387877,
	is from 1946-08-23 until 1946-10-31 (in deu) Land says source_284834 says source_284835;
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