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GOV id http://gov.genealogy.net/adm_368499
  • Königsberg (deu)
  • administrative district (1808 - 1945)
web page
area (km²)
  • 21107.27 (1880-12-01) Source Tab. III S. 26
  • 21109.52 (1890-12-01) Source Tab. III S. 24
  • 21108.17 (1900-12-01) Source (Tab. II S. 8
  • 14010.31 (1910-12-01) Source Tab. II S. 8
  • 13146.72 (1925-06-16) Source page 44
  • 13146.61 (1935-10-01) Source page 6
  • 13148.16 (1941-01-01) Source S. 8 - ohne eingegl. Ostgebiete
Article about this place in the genealogy.net wiki
Geographic Position
  • 54.4766°N 20.6509°E calculated center position of the place
  • Number of the German 1:25,000 map sheet: 1589
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Am 16.12.1808 Umbenennung des Kammerbezirks in Regierungsbezirk.


Superordinate objects


 political administration

Superordinate objects

Superordinate objects

name Timespan type Source
East Prussia, Prusse orientale, Восточная Пруссия, Rytu Prusija, Preußen, Ostpreußen, Prusy Zachodnie (1808 - 1823) province
East Prussia, Prusse orientale, Восточная Пруссия, Rytu Prusija, Preußen, Ostpreußen, Prusy Zachodnie (1878 - 1945) province
Preußen (1824 - 1877) province

Subordinate objects

name type GOV-Id Timespan
Heilsberg, Powiat lidzbarski rural county adm_172865 (- 1945)
Labiau county rural county adm_172864 (- 1945)
Wehlau county rural county adm_172858 (- 1945)
Rastenburg rural county adm_172860 (1808 - 1945)
Klaipėdos apskritis, Memel county rural county object_213956 (1819 - 1920)
Samland rural county adm_172859 (1939-04-01 - 1945)
Fischhausen county rural county adm_172900 (1818-02-01 - 1939-03-31)
Neidenburg rural county object_190242 (1818 - 1905)
Mohrungen rural county adm_172863 (1818 - 1945)
Allenstein county rural county adm_172689 (- 1905)
Königsberg i. Pr., Königsberg (Pr.), Königsberg (Pr) urban county adm_172889 (1819-04-01 - 1945)
Königsberg i. Pr., Königsberg (Pr.), Königsberg (Pr) county rural county object_217930 (1819-04-01 - 1939-03-27)
Ortelsburg rural county object_190239 (- 1905)
Osterode in Ostpreußen, Ostróda, Osterode rural county object_190244 (1818 - 1905)
Preußisch Eylau, Powiat iławecki county rural county adm_172862 (- 1945)
Heiligenbeil county rural county adm_172866 (1819 - 1945)
Friedland, Bartenstein rural county adm_172869 (- 1945)
Braunsberg county rural county adm_172868 (1819 - 1945)
Klaipėdos miestas, Memel, Klaipėdos miesto savivaldybė Stadt urban county Stadt Stadtgemeinde object_218110 (1819 - 1920-01-09)
Gerdauen rural county adm_172867 (- 1945)
Preußisch Holland rural county adm_172861 (- 1945)
Rößel, Rössel rural county object_190245 (1808 - 1905)

Images in the GenWiki


	 TEXT: Am 16.12.1808 Umbenennung des Kammerbezirks in Regierungsbezirk.:TEXT says source_290143,
	has 1880-12-01 area 21107.27 says source_1343683 (Tab. III S. 26),
	has 1880-12-01 population 1155545 says source_1343683 (Tab. II S. 16),
	has 1890-12-01 area 21109.52 says source_1343682 (Tab. III S. 24),
	has 1890-12-01 population 1172149 says source_1343682 (Tab. II S. 18) says source_319222 (Bd. 10 S. 459),
	has 1900-12-01 area 21108.17 says source_1343684 ((Tab. II S. 8),
	has 1900-12-01 population 1204386 says source_1343684 (Tab. I S. 2),
	has 1910-12-01 area 14010.31 says source_1341051 (Tab. II S. 8),
	has 1910-12-01 population 914119 says source_1341051 (Tab. II S. 8),
	has 1925-06-16 area 13146.72 says source_1341056 (p. 44),
	has 1925-06-16 population 911879 says source_1341056 (p. 44),
	has 1933-06-16 population 957363 says source_1267338 (p. 6),
	has 1935-10-01 area 13146.61 says source_1267338 (p. 6),
	has 1939-05-17 population 1059085 says source_298730 (S. 8 - ohne eingegl. Ostgebiete),
	has 1941-01-01 area 13148.16 says source_298730 (S. 8 - ohne eingegl. Ostgebiete),
	has URL  https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regierungsbezirk_K%C3%B6nigsberg,
	has name (in deu) Königsberg,
	is from 1808 until 1823 part of adm_368500,
	is from 1808 until 1945 (in deu) Regierungsbezirk,
	is from 1824 until 1877 part of object_1281054,
	is from 1878 until 1945 part of adm_368500;
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